Objective To recognize the situation of methylmercury contamination in the major seafoods collected from Zhoushan fishery.
Methods A total of 282 samples randomly in fishery market and breeding sites were collected from the year 2007 to 2009, and the methylmercury contamination in these seafoods were analyzed.
Results The rate of exceeding the limit of methylmercury was 2.84% in the major seafoods from Zhoushan fishery. One-way ANOVA analysis on the accumulation of methylmercury in different categories of seafood obtained the F equal to 25.990, P<0.001. Assessing the intake safety of methylmercury in various categories of seafood with the single-factor contamination index, the series were:seaweed(0.38), marine molluscs(0.11), sea fish(0.10), marine crustaceans(0.08). The result of Chi square test of the exceeding rate was :χ2 = 20.960, P<0.001. The trend of methylmercury contamination rate among calender year was χ2 = 5.226, P>0.05. Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test was H=0.076, P<0.05.
Conclusion The overall contamination of methylmercury in seafood was still at a low level, however the contamination index for seaweed were higher than the others. The enchancement of monitoring should be needed.