黄弋冰, 傅华, 郑频频, 陈幼华, 齐冰. 1992-2009年我国控烟干预实践效果文献回顾分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2010, 27(9): 543-547.
引用本文: 黄弋冰, 傅华, 郑频频, 陈幼华, 齐冰. 1992-2009年我国控烟干预实践效果文献回顾分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2010, 27(9): 543-547.
HUANG Yibing , FU Hua , ZHENG Pin-pin , CHEN You-hua , QI Bing . Study in Bibliometric Analyses on Anti-Smoking Intervention Practice, 1992-2009 China[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2010, 27(9): 543-547.
Citation: HUANG Yibing , FU Hua , ZHENG Pin-pin , CHEN You-hua , QI Bing . Study in Bibliometric Analyses on Anti-Smoking Intervention Practice, 1992-2009 China[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2010, 27(9): 543-547.


Study in Bibliometric Analyses on Anti-Smoking Intervention Practice, 1992-2009 China

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析我国控烟实践研究文献分布特点和研究现状,为今后控烟研究提供参考。

    方法 以《中国期刊全文数据库》为主要数据源进行文献检索,运用文献计量学方法对1992~2009年控烟干预实践研究文献的外部特征进行描述性分析,总结我国控烟实践研究的现状和趋势。

    结果 检获71种期刊的259篇文献,文献年份分布较分散,但逐渐增多,不同年份文献量起伏波动;期刊分布相对集中,核心期刊2种;文献第一作者分布于29个省(市、自治区);文献作者712人,共933人次,合作度3.60人次/篇,合作率83.01%;文献单位主要为各级健康教育所、疾病预防控制机构、爱卫会、高等院校及医疗机构;基金资助文献33篇,占文献总数的12.74%,近年资助文献有所增加;文献关键词251个,高频关键词为“控烟”、“吸烟”、“健康教育”、“戒烟”和“干预”;以中小学生/家长为研究对象的文献数量最多。

    结论 控烟工作越来越受到社会关注,我国控烟实践研究呈波浪式发展趋势,研究人员合作程度较高,取得较好成果,研究重点对象是青少年,但存在区域研究不平衡等一些问题,今后需加大控烟科研投入力度,促进控烟工作稳定健康地发展。


    Objective To analyze the characteristics of the bibliometrics on anti-smoking practice and present status of research, providing reference for future progress of this movement.

    Methods Published articles, from 1992 to 2009, on anti-smoking intervention practice collected in Full-text Database of CNKI, were bibliometrically analyzed and described with its number, distribution and characteristics. The present status and trend of anti-smoking practice were summarized.

    Results A total of 259 articles were published in 71 domestic journals with scattering and fluctuating distribution, however the trend was increasing. The distribution of journal was concentrated relatively. 712 authors published 933 articles with collaboration degree as 3.60 and co-author rate as 83.01%. The first-authors, most of them were come from institution of health education, disease control center, patriotic hygiene committee, colleges, etc, distributed in 29 regions. 33 articles,(12.74%)were Research Fund supported. Of 251 key words,"smoking control","smoking","health education","smoking abstention" and "intervention" were the most frequent used. School students and their parents were the main subjects receiving intervention.

    Conclusion Though antismoking practicing draws ever more social concern, however research on anti-smoking intervention were advanced with fluctuation; there are good collaboration among researchers; many exciting findings have been achieved; youth is the important subject. However, there are certain problems in anti-smoking intervention practice study still, for example:imbalance of the research among regions. Much more researches are urgently needed to putting in for further push forward this movement sound and steadily.


