徐友祥, 蔡恩茂, 徐仁权, 方伟, 王韶华. 室外废旧轮胎白纹伊蚊的孳生习性与防制[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2011, 28(9): 551-555.
引用本文: 徐友祥, 蔡恩茂, 徐仁权, 方伟, 王韶华. 室外废旧轮胎白纹伊蚊的孳生习性与防制[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2011, 28(9): 551-555.
XU You-xiang , CAI En-mao , XU Ren-quan , FANG Wei , WANG Shao-hua . The Breeding Habit of Aedes Albopictus in the Discarded Tires Outdoor and Its Control Measures[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2011, 28(9): 551-555.
Citation: XU You-xiang , CAI En-mao , XU Ren-quan , FANG Wei , WANG Shao-hua . The Breeding Habit of Aedes Albopictus in the Discarded Tires Outdoor and Its Control Measures[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2011, 28(9): 551-555.


The Breeding Habit of Aedes Albopictus in the Discarded Tires Outdoor and Its Control Measures

  • 摘要:
    目的 探讨室外废旧轮胎白纹伊蚊的孳生习性与防制方法,为制定预防登革热的措施提供依据。

    方法 用捞勺法检查轮胎积水中白纹伊蚊幼虫的孳生习性、消长趋势和越冬情况;用定量法每月测定轮胎中的积水量、幼虫孳生水的化学指标;用浸液法测定常用杀虫剂对白纹伊蚊的抗药性和新用杀虫剂的杀灭效果。

    结果 (1)白纹伊蚊幼虫在废旧轮胎内的出现期为4-11月份, 6-9月份阳性率较高, 7月份为高峰,整个消长曲线与其他容器中的白纹伊蚊孳生曲线基本一致;但废旧轮胎的阳性率是其他容器中的3.2倍(χ2=53.97, P<0.01)。白纹伊蚊是孳生轮胎的优势种,除2处与淡色库蚊共生外,余均为白纹伊蚊孳生,占100%;而其他容器白纹伊蚊只占51.6%。在冬季,白纹伊蚊虫卵在轮胎积水或积泥中越冬(当年12月至次年3月)。无论是白纹伊蚊孳生积水,还是其他蚊虫孳生积水和未孳生蚊虫的对照积水,其轮胎积水的pH值以及溶解氧、氯化物、亚硝酸盐氮、氨氮含量差异均无统计学意义;(2)常用杀虫剂抗药性明显增加,有机磷杀虫剂(DDVP)和氯菊酯增加了1倍,溴氰菊酯和氯氰菊酯增加了10~20倍;新用杀虫剂二嗪农1.0~5.0 mg/L、甲基嘧啶磷0.5~5.0 mg/L、双硫磷颗粒剂0.4~1.4 mg/L灭轮胎内幼虫,有2~4周持效;(3)采取轮胎钻孔放水,增加防雨措施等方法,保持胎内无水后,周边白纹伊蚊成虫密度明显下降,下降率可达81%~95%;相关密度指数(RPI)均在50以下,控制效果明显。

    结论 室外废旧轮胎钻孔放水或遮雨堆放,可降低白纹伊蚊密度;由于轮胎积水干枯后白纹伊蚊虫卵仍然可以存活,提示不能引进国外废旧轮胎或国内登革热流行区的废旧轮胎,登革热流行区的废旧轮胎应就地销毁或处理;废旧轮胎被称为环境卫生的"黑色污染",应及早纳入法制化管理。


    Objective To investigate the breeding habit of Aedes albopictus in the outdoor discarded tires,and studied the measures for irradication.The result provides guidance for control Dengue fever.

    Methods Adopt sludge spoon method to check Aedes larva breeding habits,growth trend and wintering situation;measure the quantity and chemical index of the larvae breeding water in outdoor tyres monthly;and soaking liquid method to determine the resistance and pesticidal kill effect to Aedes mosquito.

    Results (1) Aedes albopictus larva emerged during April-November in the circumstancial discarded tires outdoor,the larva density increased in June-September with peak in July.The time distribution has no difference from other containers in which Aedes albopictus breed.But the breeding rate in discarded tires was 2.2 times higher (χ2=53.97,P<0.01).The breeding rate of Aedes albopictus in outdoor tire is 100%,while in other containers is 51.6%.The eggs of Aedes albopictus hibernate in stagnant water or mud in outdoor discarded tires from December to March of the following year.The water in which breed Aedes albopictus possess the same chemical character as the water breed other species of mosquito or the water no mosquito breeds.The chemical character consists the pH,dissolved oxygen,Chloride,nitrite nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen.(2) The resistance of Aedes albopictus to four common insecticides was much more increased.The resistance to DDVP and Permethrin has twiced as comparing with the situation 2003 year before.Moreover,the resistance to Deltamethrin and Cypermethrin has increased 10-20 times.Diazinon 1.0-5.0mg/L,pirimiphos-methyl 0.5-5.0 mg/L,Abate granules 0.4-1.4 mg/L is able to irradicate the larva,the effect lasts 2-4 weeks.(3) To bore hole for drain out the stagnant water in waste tires,or to adopt certain water proof measures to keep dry inside the discarded tires are effective:the density of adult Aedes albopictus would decrease about 81%-95%,RPI would decline 50.

    Conclusion Boring hole to drain out the stagnant water in discarded tires,or to adopt certain water proof measure could greatly decrease the density of Aedes albopictus;discarded tires in piles should be kept under shelter avoid from accumulate rainfall.In according to that Aedes albopictus eggs could survive still while the stagnant water in tire become dry,we have advised do not import discarder tires from abroad and the domestic epidemic areas of Dengue,and destroy discarded tires from the epidemic areas of Dengue.The discarded tires should be recognized as "black pollution" in environmental sanitation and required to be regulated by the law as soon as possible.


