杨程惠, 周波, 黄雨兰. 工作压力对少数民族地区基层扶贫干部心理健康的影响:以凉山州为例[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2021, 38(3): 254-260. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.20283
引用本文: 杨程惠, 周波, 黄雨兰. 工作压力对少数民族地区基层扶贫干部心理健康的影响:以凉山州为例[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2021, 38(3): 254-260. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.20283
YANG Chenghui, ZHOU Bo, HUANG Yulan. Impact of work pressure on mental health of local poverty alleviation officials in ethnic minority areas: A case study of Liangshan Prefecture[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2021, 38(3): 254-260. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.20283
Citation: YANG Chenghui, ZHOU Bo, HUANG Yulan. Impact of work pressure on mental health of local poverty alleviation officials in ethnic minority areas: A case study of Liangshan Prefecture[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2021, 38(3): 254-260. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2021.20283


Impact of work pressure on mental health of local poverty alleviation officials in ethnic minority areas: A case study of Liangshan Prefecture

  • 摘要:
    背景 基层扶贫干部的身心健康关系到政府脱贫攻坚执行效率,目前对其工作压力与心理健康问题的研究关注较少,尤其是对少数民族地区基层扶贫干部。
    目的 以凉山州为例,利用付出-回报失衡(ERI)模型探讨少数民族地区基层扶贫干部工作压力对其心理健康的影响。
    方法 2019年11-12月采用互联网平台问卷,针对凉山州五类基层扶贫干部(包括贫困村村干部、县直单位帮扶干部、驻村扶贫工作队员、乡镇扶贫专干及驻村第一书记)共3556人,采用ERI量表、一般健康问卷(GHQ-12)分别测量其工作压力、内在投入及心理健康状况。工作压力是通过ERI指数来反映,ERI指数> 1表示高付出-低回报状态,失衡程度高;内在投入条目得分总分为6~30分,以研究人群得分的上1/3作为高内在投入状态的判定依据;GHQ-12总分为12分,得分≥4判定为疑似存在心理健康问题。采用逐步logistic回归分析,控制年龄、性别、工作年限、教育水平等变量后,探讨付出-回报失衡、内在投入与心理健康的关系。
    结果 最终回收有效问卷3 047份,有效回收率为85.69%。凉山州基层扶贫干部ERI指数为1.11±0.36,内在投入总分为(19.78±3.84)分,63.0%的扶贫干部处于付出-回报失衡的工作模式,且23.2%的扶贫干部处于内在投入高水平状态(得分≥20分);其GHQ-12得分中位数(最小值,最大值)为2.00(0,12.00)分,疑似心理健康问题检出率为26.6%。logistic回归结果提示,在控制年龄、性别、民族、宗教信仰、教育水平、婚姻状况、工作年限等变量后,付出-回报失衡的扶贫干部存在心理健康问题的风险是付出-回报平衡者的1.62(95% CI:1.34~1.96)倍;高内在投入基层扶贫干部存在心理健康问题的风险是低内在投入者的3.67(95% CI:3.04~4.43)倍。
    结论 凉山州大部分基层扶贫干部处于付出-回报失衡的工作模式,且疑似心理障碍检出率较高,提示了工作压力对其心理健康状况的负面影响。


    Background The physical and mental health of local poverty alleviation officials is closely related to the implementation efficiency of the government's poverty alleviation polices. At present, there are few studies on work pressure and mental health issues in this group, especially for those working in minority areas.
    Objective The study takes Liangshan as an example, evaluates the relationship between work pressure and mental health of local poverty alleviation officials in ethnic minority areas within the effort-reward imbalance (ERI) model.
    Methods From November to December in 2019, a total of 3 556 local poverty alleviation officials of all five categories in Liangshan Prefecture were investigated online. Work pressure, over-commitment, and mental health status were measured with the ERI Questionnaire and the 12-Item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). ERI index (an indicator of work pressure) > 1 indicated high effort-low reward and a high degree of imbalance; the upper tertile scores of over-commitment (total 6-30 scores) indicated high over-commitment; the GHQ-12 score (total 12 scores) ≥ 4 was considered as suspected mental health problems. Logistic regression method was used to analyze the relationship between effort-reward imbalance, overcommitment, and mental health after controlling for age, gender, working years, education level, and other variables.
    Results Finally, 3 047 valid questionnaires were collected, and the valid recovery rate was 85.69%. The ERI index was 1.11±0.36, the score of over-commitment was 19.78±3.84, 63.0% of the local poverty alleviation officials experienced effort-reward imbalance at work, and 23.2% of them were in the state of high over-commitment (score ≥ 20). The median score (min, max) of GHQ-12 was 2.00 (0, 12.00), and the positive rate of suspected mental health problems was 26.6%. The results of logistic regression showed that after controlling the variables of age, gender, ethnic group, religion, education level, marital status, and working years, the risks of mental health problems of the participants with effort-reward imbalance were 1.62 (95% CI: 1.34-1.96) times of those with effort-reward balance; the risks of mental health problems of the participants with high over-commitment were 3.67 (95% CI: 3.04-4.43) times of those with low over-commitment.
    Conclusion Most of the local poverty alleviation officials in Liangshan Prefecture are experiencing effort-reward imbalance at work, and the positive rate of suspected mental health problems is high, which indicates the negative impact of work pressure on their mental health.


