
Analysis on health-related issues of Chinese overseas workers from the perspective of global health

  • 摘要: 随着经济全球化的深入发展,我国陆续实施了"走出去"战略和"一带一路"倡议。在构建人类命运共同体的治国理念推动下,国内劳动力向世界各地的流动呈现新的趋势。我国商务部数据显示,目前对外劳务合作已达相当规模,2013-2018年平均每年商务部注册派出工作人员52.1万人,年末在外各类劳务工作人员近百万。这个群体分布在以亚洲、非洲为主的全球190多个国家和地区,并且大部分从事建筑业、制造业、交通运输业等劳动密集型行业。本文拟从全球职业健康的角度出发,探讨中国劳务工作者在海外的主要健康问题以及与跨国界相关的健康影响因素。已有研究结果表明,跨国劳务工作者的健康受到其语言能力、国家间文化差异、劳务派遣方式、工作场所职业暴露、自然环境、政治法律环境、医疗服务可及性等影响,进而增加心理疾病、职业伤害与死亡、职业相关疾病、传染性疾病乃至人身伤害等的发生风险。因此,建议采取跨国界、多学科、多部门的合作方式,在解决就业、语言文化障碍、人身安全等问题的基础上,保障跨国劳务工作者能够获得基本的职业安全健康服务,从而促进其身心健康水平。


    Abstract: With the widened development of globalized economy, China has launched "Going-Out" Strategy and "Belt and Road" Initiative to promote the flow of domestic labor force to the rest of the world driven by the concept of building a community with shared future for mankind. Data from the Ministry of Commerce show that China's foreign labor cooperation has reached a considerable scale, with an average annual registered dispatch of 521 000 workers from 2013 to 2018, and nearly a million workers staying abroad at the end of each year. They were distributed in more than 190 countries and regions around the world, mainly in Asia and Africa. Most of them were engaged in low-end labor-intensive industries such as construction, manufacturing, transportation, and so on. This paper intended to explore the main health issues of Chinese workers abroad and the cross-border health factors from the perspective of global occupational health. The reviewed studies summarized that the health of transnational workers is affected by their language ability, cultural differences, forms of labor export, occupational exposure to health hazards in the workplace, natural environment, political and legal environment, the accessibility of medical services, etc., which elevate the risks of psychological diseases, occupational injuries and deaths, occupational-related diseases, infectious diseases, and even personal injuries. Therefore, it is suggested that cross-border, multi-disciplinary, and multi-sectoral cooperation should be adopted to ensure that transnational workers have access to basic occupational safety and health services on the basis of solving problems such as employment, language and cultural barriers, and personal safety, so as to improve their wellness.


