
Epidemiological characteristics of newly reported cases of occupational pneumoconiosis in Guangdong Province, 2006-2016

  • 摘要:
    目的 描述2006-2016年期间广东省新报告职业性尘肺病的发病和分布情况,探讨其流行病学特征并提出防治建议。

    方法 采用SPSS 21.0软件对"职业病与职业卫生信息监测系统"中广东省2006-2016年尘肺病报告卡信息进行整理和流行病学特征分析,包括病种构成、发病年份、发病年龄、接、地区、行业、企业规模、经济类型等分布情况。

    结果 2006-2016年期间广东省新报告职业性尘肺病病例2 362例,分期以壹期(1 470例,62.24%)为主,病种以矽肺(1 568例,66.38%)为主,其他尘肺(351例,14.86%)和电焊工尘肺(252例,10.67%)为辅。新报告职业性尘肺病病例数从2006年(74例)急速上升到2011年(284例),达到小高峰后,2011-2015年呈"锯齿式"曲折上升趋势,2015年达到高峰(309例)后,2016年(259例)降至2014年水平。职业性尘肺病新病例中,男性2 313例(97.93%),女性49例(2.07%)。壹期新病例发病年龄M(P25P75)为44(38,49)岁,接尘工龄M(P25P75)为9(6,14)年。各类职业性尘肺病的高发行业以制造业为主(66.21%)。职业性尘肺病新病例数位于前5位的城市分别为佛山市(556例,23.54%)、广州市(434例,18.37%)、深圳市(272例,11.52%)、中山市(208例,8.81%)和韶关市(167例,7.07%)。发病病例有企业聚集、群体发病的趋势,2006-2016年中发病的1 036家企业中25.39%的企业有2例以上的尘肺病。病例主要分布在私有经济类型企业(55.72%),小型、中型企业尘肺病比例高(分别为37.30%和34.16%)。

    结论 广东省职业性尘肺病主要以矽肺为主。目前发病形势整体仍处于高发期,但占全省职业病总数的比例自2013年起呈下降趋势。


    Objective To describe the incidence and distribution of newly reported occupational pneumoconiosis cases in Guangdong Province from 2006 to 2016, analyze its epidemiological characteristics, and put forward proposals for prevention and treatment.

    Methods Data of occupational pneumoconiosis in Guangdong from 2006 to 2016 were retrieved from the National Information Surveillance System for Occupational Disease and Occupational Health, and analyzed for epidemiological characteristics including type of pneumoconiosis, year of onset, age of onset, length of dust exposure, region, industry, enterprise scale, and economic category.

    Results A total of 2 362 new cases of occupational pneumoconiosis were reported in Guangdong Province from 2006 to 2016, of which stage I (1 470 cases, 62.24%) and silicosis (1 568 cases, 66.38%) patients were dominant, together with other pneumoconiosis (351 cases, 14.86%) and electric welder pneumoconiosis (252 cases, 10.67%).The number of occupational pneumoconiosis cases reported showed a rapid rise from 2006 (74 cases) to 2011 (284 cases), then a zigzag trend up to 2015 (309 cases), and finally declined to the level of 2014 in 2016 (259 cases).Moreover, 97.93% of the newly reported patients were male (2313 cases) and 2.07% were female (49 cases).Of the stage I cases, the median onset age was 44 (25th-75th percentile, 38-49) years old, and the median length of dust exposure was 9 (25th-75th percentile, 6-14) years.Manufacturing industry reported most occupational pneumoconiosis cases (66.21%).The leading locations reporting pneumoconiosis cases were Foshan (556 cases, 23.54%), Guangzhou (434 cases, 18.37%), Shenzhen (272 cases, 11.52%), Zhongshan (208 cases, 8.81%), and Shaoguan (167 cases, 7.07%).Enterprise clustering and incidence grouping of pneumoconiosis were observed.In the 1 036 enterprises, 25.39% reported more than 2 pneumoconiosis cases from 2006 to 2016.The cases were mainly distributed in private enterprises (55.72%) as well as small (37.30%) and mediumscale (34.16%) enterprises.

    Conclusion Occupational pneumoconiosis in Guangdong Province is mainly composed of silicosis, which is still at a high incidence level.However, the ratio of pneumoconiosis cases to the total occupational disease cases declines since 2013.


