Objective To assess the associations between metal concentrations in seminal plasma and serum reproductive hormone levels in men.
Methods A total of 746 men visiting a reproductive center in Wuhan between March and June 2013 were chosen to conduct a survey with questionnaire and laboratory test on seventeen metals in seminal plasma. Multiple linear regression models were utilized to assess the associations between the concentrations of seminal plasma metals and the levels of serum reproductive hormones (n=378).
Results The results of multiple linear regression models showed that the cobalt, selenium, and thallium in seminal plasma of the >P75group were positively associated with follicle-stimulating hormone (b=18.50, 95%CI: 2.00-36.00;b=17.40, 95%CI: 0.80-35.00;b=18.50, 95%CI: 3.40-37.70) compared with those of the<P25group respectively. The molybdenum in seminal plasma of the >P75group was positively associated with luteinizing hormone (b=12.50, 95%CI: 0.10-27.00) compared with that of the<P25group. The chromium in seminal plasma of the >P75group was suggestively inversely associated with luteinizing hormone (b=-0.90, 95%CI:-22.00-1.50) compared with that of the<P50group. The cadmium, cobalt, zinc, and molybdenum in seminal plasma of the >P75group were positively or suggestively positively associated with sex hormone-binding globulin (b=18.00, 95%CI: 5.10-36.00;b=16.20, 95%CI: 4.00-31.00;b=7.80, 95%CI:-4.00-21.00;b=13.00, 95%CI: 0.40-27.00) compared with those of the<P25group. The tin in seminal plasma of the >P80group was suggestively inversely associated with testosterone (b=-7.30, 95%CI:-17.40-2.00) compared with that of the<P60group.
Conclusion Environmental exposure to cobalt, selenium, thallium, molybdenum, chromium, cadmium, zinc, and tin may be associated with alteration of serum reproductive hormone levels in men.