
Effects of maternal prenatal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons exposure on physical development of newborns

  • 摘要:
    目的 探讨母亲孕期多环芳烃暴露对新生儿体格发育的影响。

    方法 在太原市某医院招募217对孕妇-新生儿,签署知情同意书。收集孕妇产前尿液并-80℃保存待检。利用高效液相色谱法测定尿中多环芳烃代谢物,根据4种多环芳烃代谢物之和的第25、75百分位数(P25P75),将研究对象分为低、中、高暴露组。测量新生儿出生体重、头围、身长,采用出生体重、头围、身长、张路指数(ZLI)评价新生儿体格发育状况。采用多元线性回归分析母亲孕期多环芳烃暴露与新生儿体格发育的关系。

    结果 孕妇产前尿中多环芳烃代谢物之和的MP25P75)为0.90(0.67,1.27)mg/mo(l以Cr计)。多环芳烃低、中、高暴露组新生儿出生体重分别为(3 526.11±380.59)、(3 386.20±394.79)、(3 254.07±402.04)g,出生头围分别为(34.45±1.60)、(33.54±1.92)、(33.47±1.58)cm,出生身长分别为(51.32±1.90)、(51.01±1.53)、(50.28±1.53)cm,ZLI分别为(1.07±0.08)、(1.07±0.10)、(1.03±0.08)g/cm2。除出生体重、头围在中、高暴露组间,出生身长、ZLI在低、中暴露组间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)外,其余暴露组间的各指标水平差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。多因素回归分析显示,母尿中多环芳烃代谢物之和与新生儿出生体重、头围、身长、ZLI均呈负相关(b分别为-0.21、-0.13、-0.20、-0.16,均P < 0.05)。

    结论 母亲孕期多环芳烃暴露与新生儿出生体重、头围、身长、ZLI水平降低有关,可能对新生儿体格发育产生不良影响。


    Objective To assess the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) exposure in utero on the physical development of newborns.

    Methods A total of 217 mother-newborn pairs were recruited in a hospital in Taiyuan and their informed consents were obtained. Maternal spot urine samples were collected and stored in -80℃ before delivery. The levels of four PAHs metabolites in urine samples were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The mother-newborn pairs were divided into low, medium, and high exposure groups according to the 25th and the 75th percentiles of sum of four PAH metabolites in maternal urine. Neonatal birth weight, head circumference, and body length were measured and the physical development status of neonates was evaluated by birth weight, head circumference, body length, and Zhang-Lu index (ZLI). Multiple linear regression models were used to estimate the association between prenatal PAHs exposure and the physical development of newborns.

    Results The median (P25, P75) of sum of four PAH metabolites in the maternal urine samples was 0.90 (0.67, 1.27) mg/mol (Cr). The birth weights of newborns in the low, medium, and high exposure groups were (3 526.11±380.59), (3 386.20±394.79), and (3 254.07±402.04) g, respectively; the head circumferences were (34.45±1.60), (33.54±1.92), and (33.47±1.58) cm, respectively; the body lengths were (51.32±1.90), (51.01±1.53), and (50.28±1.53) cm, respectively; the ZLIs were (1.07±0.08), (1.07±0.10), and (1.03±0.08) g/cm2, respectively. All indices were of significant differences between the groups with different levels of PAH metabolites (P < 0.05), except the birth weight and head circumference of the medium and high PAHs exposure groups and the body length and ZLI of the low and medium PAHs exposure groups (P > 0.05). The multiple regression results showed that birth weight, head circumference, body length, and ZLI were negatively correlated with the sum of four PAH metabolites (b=-0.21, -0.13, -0.20, and -0.16, respectively, P < 0.05).

    Conclusion Maternal prenatal exposure to PAHs is associated with lower neonatal birth weight, head circumference, body length, and ZLI, and could adversely affect the physical development of newborns.


