
Assessment of Dietary Exposure Level of Aluminum in Residents Aged 15 Years or Above in Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 评估上海市15岁及以上居民膳食铝暴露状态。
    方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法抽取上海市15岁及以上居民共1944人作为调查对象,在不同季节,应用3天24小时膳食回顾法和调味品称重法开展居民膳食调查,采用总膳食研究方法进行食物聚类、膳食样品制备及铝含量(质量分数,简称“含量”)检测,评估居民膳食铝暴露水平。
    结果 发放调查问卷1 944份,收回有效问卷1 748份,问卷应答率为89.92%。膳食样品中铝含量较高的主要是油条等面制品,各个季节膳食油条样品中铝含量均超过国家限量标准,春季均值高达469.33 mg/kg,超出国家限量标准近4倍。该市15岁及以上居民春夏秋冬四季膳食铝摄入量平均值分别为1.39、0.51、0.72、0.35~0.52 mg/kg(以每kg体重计),不同季节居民膳食铝暴露有差异。膳食铝暴露的主要来源为谷类、蔬菜类、饮料及水。各个季节均显示城市中心地区居民膳食铝摄入量高于远郊地区,尤其是春季城市中心地区居民膳食铝摄入超过每周允许摄入量(PTWI)比例高达21.29%。居民膳食铝暴露无性别、年龄差异。
    结论 上海市15岁及以上居民膳食铝摄入量较高,尤其是城市中心地区居民春季膳食铝的摄入。该市应加强油条等面制品中铝含量的监管,市民应适当减少含铝食品,尤其是油条的食用。


    Objective To assess the dietary exposure level of aluminum among residents aged 15 years or above in Shanghai.
    Methods Residents (n=1 944) aged 15 years or above who lived in Shanghai were enrolled by multi-stage stratified ran dom sampling. A diet survey was carried out in different seasons by 24-hour diet recall and weighing method in three consecutive days, followed by food aggregation according to total diet study, food sampling and preparation, and determination of aluminum concentration in the analytical samples to assess the dietary exposure level of aluminum in residents.
    Results A total of 1 748 valid questionnaires were returned with a response rate of 89.92% (1 748/1 944). Higher concentrations of aluminum were detected in flo ur product samples such as deep-fried dough sticks. The concentration in deep-fried dough sticks exceeded the national lim it standard in each season, and the mean was 469.33 mg/kg in spring which was 5 times as much as the national standard. The means of dietary aluminum intakes among the subjects in four seasons were 1.39, 0.51, 0.72, and 0.35-0.52 mg/kg body weight, re sp ectively, with significant differences. Grains, vegetables, and drinks and water were major sources of dietary aluminum exposure. The result indicated that the dietary aluminum intakes among residents living in downtown area were higher than those in rural area in each season. Moreover, the proportion of residents in downtown area whose dietary aluminum intakes exceeded the provisional to le ra ble weekly intake (PTWI) was up to 21.29% in spring. In addition, the dietary aluminum exposure had no significant differences across various sex or age subgroups.
    Conclusion Dietary aluminum intakes are high among residents aged 15 years or above, especially among those living in downtown area in spring. The government should strengthen regulation of flour products such as deep-fried dough sticks, and the citizens should decrease the intake of food containing aluminum, especially deep-fried dough sticks.


