
Nutrition Survey on Lunch in Primary Schools for Children of Migrant Workers in Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解上海市民工子弟小学学生的营养状况及膳食结构,为保证该人群的生长发育和开展健康教育提供依据。
    方法 采用分层整群抽样方法选取上海市4所民工子弟小学的920名四、五年级学生作为研究对象,年龄9~12岁。调查内容包括一般状况、体格检查和午餐膳食调查(回顾法)。
    结果 有效问卷912份,男生占57.6%,女生占42.4%。民工子弟小学学生各年龄和性别组消瘦率均高于11%,能量和营养素摄入量普遍不足。钙、维生素A、维生素B2和锌的摄入量低于标准值60%学生的比例分别为99.6%、99.9%、94.8%和83.8%。79.8%的学生蔬菜平均摄入量和54.3%学生的大豆及豆制品平均摄入量低于标准值的60%。79.1%学生的动物性食品平均摄入量超过了标准值。
    结论 上海民工子弟小学学生消瘦发生率较高,午餐膳食结构不合理,能量和主要营养素均存在缺乏,应增加蔬菜和大豆及豆制品的供给,适当减少动物性食品的供给。


    Objective To evaluate the nutrition status and dietary pattern of students in primary school for children of migrant workers in Shanghai, and to provide evidence for promoting children's growth and development and conducting health education.
    Methods By stratified cluster sampling, 920 students aged 9-12 years of the 4th and 5th grades in four primary schools for children of migrant workers were selected in Shanghai. The survey included demographic questionnaire, physical examination, and lunch nutrition survey using dietary recall.
    Results A total of 912 students submitted valid questionnaires, consisting of 57.6% boys and 42.4% girls. The wasting rates of students in different gender and age groups were all higher than 11%. The intakes of energy and main nutrients were insufficient. The proportions that students obtained calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B2, and zinc less than 60% of the relevant standards were 99.6%, 99.9%, 94.8% and 83.8%, respectively. The proportions that students ate vegetable and beans/bean products less than 60% of the relevant standards were 79.8% and 54.3% respectively. Additionally, 79.1% of the students had a higher-than-recommended average animal food intake.
    Conclusion A high wasting rate, unreasonable lunch dietary pattern, and insufficient intakes of energy and main nutrients are identified in the students from primary schools for children of migrant workers in Shanghai. Therefore, the students need more vegetables and beans/bean products and less animal food.


