Objective To evaluate the protection and management levels of dignostic X-ray rooms in pet hospitals in Minhang District, Shanghai.
Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted in 11 pet hospitals on management of X-ray equipment rooms serving diagnostic purpose and veterinary radiologists' protection awareness. The radiation levels of radiation equipment rooms and veterinary radiologists were also measured.
Results None of the 11 pet hospitals followed the triple simultaneousness principle (design, construct, and acceptance) of building, altering, or expanding radiation equipment rooms. The standard training rate among radiation workers was 70%, and the awareness rate of radiological protection knowledge was 75%. The rates of pet hospitals providing protective equipment, posting ionizing radiation warning sign, and routinely using good-working indicator light were 100%, 73%, and 55%, respectively. The average area of the radiation equipment rooms was (5.8±2.7) m2. In addition, 82% of the radiation equipment rooms were in accordance with the national standards, and the average effective dose among radiation workers was 0.73 mSv per year.
Conclusion The radiation protection levels of radiation equipment rooms, veterinary radiologists' protection awareness, and internal management levels need to be strengthened.