
Emergency Protective Behaviors against Unintentional Chemotherapy Drug Exposure among Nurses in Tertiary Class A General Hospitals in Wuhan

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解武汉市三甲综合医院化疗药物意外污染环境时护士应急防护情况,探索影响护士应急防护行为的因素。

    方法 采用自行设计的问卷,对武汉市5 家三甲综合性医院肿瘤科和使用化疗药物较多的非肿瘤科(血液内科、普外科、妇科、呼吸内科)的558 名护士进行调查。

    结果 65.0%的护士报告有医院和科室环境受化疗药物意外污染的经历,其中54.8%的护士报告环境被污染时会标明可能的污染范围,19.1%的护士做好个人防护后再清理现场,只有16.6%的护士能根据药物特点和泄露情况来清理现场,大多数护士(80.7%)直接清理现场或随意找保洁员(50.8%)来清理。多元线性回归分析结果显示,来自非肿瘤科、大专及以下文化程度和报告参加过岗前培训的护士在科室环境受化疗药物意外污染时应急防护行为更好。

    结论 武汉市三甲综合医院存在化疗药物意外污染环境的职业安全问题,护士应急防护水平较低,应加强化疗防护岗前培训,尤其加强针对性的应急防护培训。


    Objective To understand the emergency protective conditions of nurses exposed to unintentional chemotherapy drugs in tertiary Class A general hospitals in Wuhan, and investigate possible influencing factors of emergency protective behaviors in nurses.

    Methods A total of 558 nurses of oncology or non-oncology departments with highly probable exposure to chemotherapy drugs were recruited from five tertiary Class A general hospitals in Wuhan and asked to fill self-designed questionnaires.

    Results Of the nurses who returned valid questionnaires, 65.0% reported they had once experienced accidental exposure to chemotherapy drugs, 54.8% marked possible contaminated areas, 19.1% cleaned up the site after taking personal protection measures, only 16.6% cleaned up the site according to drug characteristics and leakage degree, and most of the nurses chose to clean up the site directly(80.7%) or had a random cleaning staff to clean up the site(50.8%). The results of multivariate linear regression model showed that nurses from non-oncology departments, with college education level or below, and/or who had participated in pre-service trainings of chemotherapy protection had higher scores of emergency protective behaviors.

    Conclusion In coping with the occupational safety issue of accidental exposure to chemotherapy drugs, the investigated nurses from tertiary Class A general hospitals in Wuhan present a relatively low level of emergency protection. The findings indicate strengthening preservice trainings on chemotherapy protection, especially appropriate emergency protective trainings, are required.


