Objective To describe the occurrence characteristics of pneumoconiosis in Qingpu District of Shanghai, and to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of pneumoconiosis.
Methods Statistical analysis was performed on the official reporting data of pneumoconiosis and suspected pneumoconiosis cases in Qingpu from 2002 to 2013.
Results A total of 102 cases of pneumoconiosis were diagnosed and reported in 2002-2013.The ratio of male(n=55) to female(n=47) cases was 1.17:1. The mean age of onset was(52.52& #177;12.85)(28-79) years. The mean service length was(11.44& #177;6.38) years. The newly diagnosed cases included stage one(67 cases), stage two(19 cases), and stage three(16 cases). Nine cases advanced from lower stage to higher stage, with a median time of 8.42 years. Aluminum pneumoconiosis(57 cases, 54.90%), electric arc welder's pneumoconiosis(14 cases, 13.73%), foundry worker's pneumoconiosis(11 cases, 10.78%), and silicosis(9 cases, 8.82%) ranked the top four proportions; 56 out of 57 aluminum pneumoconiosis cases were reported in the same enterprise. Patients with reported pneumoconiosis were concentrated in Huaxin Town(65 cases) and Xianghuaqiao Sub-district(23 cases); construction material industry(65 cases) and machinery industry(20 cases); township collective enterprises(60 cases) and private sectors(21 cases); small business(93 cases). Among the reported 42 cases of suspected pneumoconiosis, 27(64.28%) were diagnosed with pneumoconiosis.
Conclusion Electric arc welder's pneumoconiosis, foundry worker's pneumoconiosis, and silicosis should be considered higher priority for future prevention and control, patients with aluminum pneumoconiosis should receive strengthened health surveillance.