
Drinking Behavior and Related Influencing Factors among Middle School Students in Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解上海市中学生的饮酒率、平均饮酒量,探讨饮酒行为的影响因素,为制定干预措施提供依据。

    方法 根据地理位置从上海市选取4 个区,每个区从学校列表上随机选择初中和高中,共计抽选18 所中学,对其中4801 名中学生进行了横断面问卷调查。收集一般人口学特征、饮酒种类及频率、饮酒态度及行为等信息。

    结果 所调查的中学生的曾饮酒率、过去一年饮酒率和最近一个月饮酒率分别为50.9%、39.8%和15.1%;前2 位的饮酒类型均为啤酒、葡萄酒;上海中学生主要在朋友聚会和家庭聚会时饮酒,饮酒的获得方式初中生主要从家中拿酒(34.81%),而普通高中和职业高中生主要为自己买酒(分别占43.75%和43.31%)。多因素logistic 回归分析显示,相对于上海男性中学生来说,上海女性中学生饮酒比例更低;相对于父母对其饮酒持允许态度的中学生来说,父母对其持中立或反对态度的中学生饮酒比例更低;相对于朋友中基本无人饮酒(<10%)的中学生来说,有少数朋友(10%~50%)和多数朋友饮酒(>50%)的中学生饮酒比例更高;相对于吸烟的中学生来说,不吸烟中学生的饮酒比例更低。

    结论 上海中学生过去一年饮酒率较高,影响因素多,需开展针对性的干预措施,减少其健康危害。


    Objective To determine the alcohol drinking rate and average alcohol consumption among middle school students in Shanghai and the possible contributing factors, so as to provide evidence for developing intervention programs.

    Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 4 801 students of 18 junior and senior high schools randomly selected from four districts based on geographic location. Information including general demographic characteristics, alcoholic beverage variety, drinking frequency, and attitude and behavior toward drinking were collected.

    Results The proportions of students having drinking in the past, last year, and last month were 50.9%, 39.8%, and 15.1%, respectively. Beer and wine were the top two alcoholic beverage varieties consumed. The middle school students in Shanghai were inclined to drink in parties with friends or family members. The majority of junior high school students reported access to alcohol drinking at home(34.81%), whereas the majority of senior high school students(43.75%) and vocational high school students(43.31%) bought alcohols themselves. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that lower drinking probabilities presented in girls(versus boys), students reporting parental neutral or unfavorable attitude(versus those reporting parental favorable attitude to children's drinking behavior), those having less than 10% of friends drinking(versus those having 10%-50% and more than 50% of friends drinking), and nonsmoking students(versus smoking students).

    Conclusion A high rate of drinking is reported of the middle school students in Shanghai over the past year, and several influencing factors are determined. It is necessary to take effective intervention measures to reduce the health risks of drinking.


