洪琪, 丁瑾瑜, 王晓宇, 张晶, 汪源, 葛宏妍, 郑轻舟. 《环境与职业医学》杂志30年载文被引及下载频次动态分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2014, 31(9): 691-698. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2014.0170
引用本文: 洪琪, 丁瑾瑜, 王晓宇, 张晶, 汪源, 葛宏妍, 郑轻舟. 《环境与职业医学》杂志30年载文被引及下载频次动态分析[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2014, 31(9): 691-698. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2014.0170
HONG Qi , DING Jin-yu , WANG Xiao-yu , ZHANG Jing , WANG Yuan , GE Hongyan , ZHENG Qing-zhou . Changes in Citations and Downloads of Papers Published in Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 1984-2013[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2014, 31(9): 691-698. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2014.0170
Citation: HONG Qi , DING Jin-yu , WANG Xiao-yu , ZHANG Jing , WANG Yuan , GE Hongyan , ZHENG Qing-zhou . Changes in Citations and Downloads of Papers Published in Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 1984-2013[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2014, 31(9): 691-698. DOI: 10.13213/j.cnki.jeom.2014.0170


Changes in Citations and Downloads of Papers Published in Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 1984-2013

  • 摘要:
    目的 观察《环境与职业医学》(原《劳动医学》)创办30 年来载文被引和下载的变化情况。

    方法 于2014 年5 月1 日至7 月10 日,利用中国知网的检索功能,收集《环境与职业医学》杂志1984-2013 年间的载文量、被引频次及下载频次,分析最高被引和下载文章内容及特征。

    结果 《环境与职业医学》杂志在1984-2013 年间共出版30 卷170 期总计6 000 篇文章;年均总被引频次为1 036,年均总下载频次为10 721,篇均被引和篇均下载频次的高峰出现在2002-2008 年;近10 余年(2000-2013 年)刊出文章的年均被引频次明显高于20 世纪90 年代和80 年代(三个时间段分别为709.3、78.5 和16.9)。被引频次与下载频次之间呈正相关关系(r=0.653,P < 0.01),而载文量与被引频次未见相关性(r=0.218,P > 0.05)。各年高被引和高下载文章内容主要集中在农药、粉尘、重金属及肿瘤与职业人群的关系及其工作场所检测技术,装饰材料中甲醛、食用油中增塑剂的污染水平分析,住宅空气净化器效果比较,空气、土壤环境污染状况及其健康风险评估等。对30 年间被引频次最高的前150 篇文章分析显示,构成比占前3 位类型分别为综述、调查研究及实验研究(分别为34.67%,28.67%和23.33%);其篇均被引频次分别为29.12,29.49 和24.49;平均下载频次分别为466.44,216.67 和165.86。各时间段的高产作者的篇均被引和下载频次明显高于平均水平,高产作者中编委所占比例较高。2013 年开辟EHP(Environmental Health Perspectives)专栏,全年共刊登53 篇译文,其中60%关于环境污染对特定人群(如儿童)健康影响等最新研究,下载频次1 328,占全年下载量的11.6%。

    结论 《环境与职业医学》杂志创办30年来,载文量、被引频次,下载频次均呈上升趋势,该刊高被引和高下载文章大多反映的是各年代劳动卫生、环境污染及食品安全等社会高度关注的公共卫生问题。


    Objective To observe the pattern of changes in citations and downloads of papers published in the Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (JEOM) since its launch in 1984.

    Methods From 1 May to 10 July 2014, information on total number, citation frequency, and download frequency of papers published in the JEOM from 1984 to 2013 were collected by searching through China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). The contents and characteristics of the most cited or downloaded papers were analyzed.

    Results From 1984 to 2013, a total of 6 000 papers in 170 issues of 30 volumes published in the JEOM; the total citation frequency was 1 036, and the total download frequency was 10 721. The peaks of average citation and downloaded frequency were both located between 2002 and 2008. The annual average citation frequency of the papers published in 2000-2013 (709.3) was significantly higher than that in the 1990s (78.5) or 1980s (16.9). A positive correlation was found between citation frequency and download frequency (r=0.653, P < 0.01), while it had no correlation with citation frequency (r=0.218, P > 0.218). Highly cited or downloaded papers were focused on the following topics: associations between pesticide, dust, heavy metals or tumor and occupational populations as well as relevant detection technologies at workplaces; analysis on pollution levels of formaldehyde in decorative materials and plasticizers in edible oil; effect comparison of residential air purifiers; air and soil environment pollutions and health risk assessments, etc. Among the leading 150 cited papers, reviews, survey study, and experimental study ranked the top three (34.67%, 28.67%, and 23.33%, respectively), with the average citation frequencies of 29.12, 29.49, and 24.49 and the average download frequencies of 466.44, 216.67, and 165.86, respectively. The proportion of editorial board members in the leading contributing authors in all analyzed time intervals were higher than others. The EHP column was launched in 2013, and a total of 53 Chinese-translated EHP papers were published, of which 60% were the latest research on health effects of environmental pollution in vulnerable populations, such as children. The download frequency of the translated EHP papers was 1328, accounting for 11.6% of the annual downloads.

    Conclusion Upward trends in number of paper published, citation frequency, and download frequency have been identified since the JEOM launched in 30 years ago. The leading cited or downloaded papers are significantly relevant to highly concerned public health issues, such as labor hygiene, environmental pollution, and food safety in corresponding years.


