王华春, 李赫桐, 田发明. 职业性接触性皮炎的职业分布及防治策略[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(1): 111-117. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22238
引用本文: 王华春, 李赫桐, 田发明. 职业性接触性皮炎的职业分布及防治策略[J]. 环境与职业医学, 2023, 40(1): 111-117. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22238
WANG Huachun, LI Hetong, TIAN Faming. Occupational distribution and management strategies of occupational contact dermatitis[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(1): 111-117. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22238
Citation: WANG Huachun, LI Hetong, TIAN Faming. Occupational distribution and management strategies of occupational contact dermatitis[J]. Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2023, 40(1): 111-117. DOI: 10.11836/JEOM22238


Occupational distribution and management strategies of occupational contact dermatitis

  • 摘要: 职业性接触性皮炎(OCD)是一种与职业相关的炎症性皮肤疾病,临床根据其发病机制可分为刺激性接触性皮炎与变应(过敏)性接触性皮炎。本文详细介绍了OCD的高风险职业、发病率、常见刺激物和过敏原以及相应防治措施。农业工人、建筑工人、生产工人、美发师和医务人员作为OCD的高风险职业,相关从业人员应予以重视。


    Abstract: Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is an occupational inflammatory skin disease. According to its pathogenesis, it can be divided into irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis. This review introduced the high-risk occupations of OCD, its incidence, common irritants and allergens, and corresponding treatments. Agriculture workers, construction workers, production workers, hairdressers, and medical workers are high-risk occupations of OCD who should be paid attention to.


