
Quality Control Chart for Testing and Analysis Laboratories Based on C# Program

  • 摘要:
    目的 利用计算机C#编程语言,实现检测实验室质量控制图的自动绘制、判定、打印和保存。

    方法 对实验室的需求和质量控制图的特点进行分析,完成程序的架构设计,采用Visual Studio.Net 2005、WinForm (C#)、Access数据库以及Report Definition Language (RDL)等关键技术构建质量控制图。

    结果 开发完成并应用质量控制图程序,实现了质量控制图的自动绘制、自动判定和保存、打印、导出及查询功能。

    结论 采用C#程序编写的质量控制图程序操作简单,可缩短制图的时间,减少计算过程中的失误,使检验人员摆脱传统手工绘制和计算的烦琐操作,对实时、动态地监控实验室质量控制过程具有很好的现实意义。


    Objective To achieve automatic drawing, determining, printing, and archiving quality control charts (QCC) of laboratory work by C# programming.

    Methods Laboratory demand and QCC characteristics were analyzed. Visual Studio.NET 2005, WinForm (C#), Access Database, and Report Definition Language (RDL) were applied to programming the laboratory QCC.

    Results The program was successfully developed and implemented to actual work. It accomplished following functions:chart drawing, quality judge, archive, print, and result export and find.

    Conclusion This QCC program is characterized by easy-to-use, time saving, less calculation mistakes, and thus could free laboratory staff from bulky manual calculation and chart drawing. It is of realistic significance in real-time monitoring for dynamic quality control of laboratory processes.


