
A Cross-Sectional Survey on Occupational Stress and Related Impact Factors among Medical Staff in A District

  • 摘要:
    目的 评估医务人员职业紧张水平及其影响因素。

    方法 整群随机抽取1 200名医务人员,填写工作内容问卷与付出-回报失衡问卷,有效问卷1 128份。

    结果 被调查医务人员分别以工作内容问卷及付出-回报失衡问卷分级职业紧张,职业紧张程度高者分别为916人与262人,分别占81.2%与23.2%;工作内容问卷分析,家庭人均月收入< 1 000元人民币与1 000~3 000元人民币者职业紧张程度高于> 3 000元人民币者(P<0.05),OR分别为4.34与1.95(P<0.05);倒班作业医务人员职业紧张程度高于不需要倒班的医务人员(P<0.05),OR为2.54;付出-回报失衡问卷分析,家庭人均月收入< 1 000元人民币者职业紧张程度高于> 3 000元人民币者(P<0.05),OR为3.29;二级与三级医院医务人员职业紧张程度高于一级医院医务人员(P<0.05),OR分别为2.70与1.98;护士职业紧张程度高于其他医务人员(P<0.05),OR为2.50;每周工作40~60 h及> 60 h的医务人员职业紧张程度高于< 40 h的医务人员(P<0.05),OR分别为2.55与6.83。

    结论 医务人员属于职业紧张人群,主要影响因素包括家庭人均月收入、医院级别、工种、每周工作时间、倒班作业等,制定相关的卫生调节政策,可缓解他们的工作压力,更好地保护该职业人群的健康。


    Objective To assess the condition of occupational stress and related impact factors among medical staff.

    Methods The job content questionnaire (JCQ) and the effort-reward imbalance questionnaire (ERI) were distributed to 1 200 medical staffs by random sampling, and 1 128 questionnaires were collected.

    Results High level of occupational stress was reported by 916 medical staffs (81.2%) in JCQ and 262 (23.2%) in ERI. According to the results of JCQ, higher occupational stress was found in the staffs reporting family monthly income per capita <1 000 Yuan RMB or 1 000-3 000 Yuan RMB groups (both P<0.05, OR=4.34 and 1.95 respectively, compared with the staffs reporting family monthly income >3 000 Yuan RMB per capita) and the job rotation staffs (P<0.05, OR=2.54, compared with the no job rotation staffs). According to the results of ERI, higher occupational stress was found in the staffs reporting family monthly income <1 000 Yuan RMB group (P<0.05, OR=3.29, compared with the family income >3 000 Yuan RMB group), the secondary or tertiary hospital staffs (P<0.05, OR=2.70 and 1.98 respectively, compared with the primary hospital staffs), nurses (P<0.05, OR=2.50, compared with the other staffs), and the staffs reporting 40-60 or > 60 working hours per week (both P<0.05, OR=2.55 and 6.83 respectively, compared with the < 40 working hours per week staffs).

    Conclusion Medical staff may suffer from high occupational stress and the common impact factors are family monthly in come per capita, hospital level, job position, working hour per week, and rotation system. Relevant health policies are necessary to control their stress at work to promote occupational health.


