
Coverage of Pap Smear Screening among Women in Shanghai and Its Influencing Factors

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解上海地区女性宫颈癌宫颈脱落细胞检查的覆盖情况,并分析其影响因素。

    方法 采用随机入户调查的方法收集女性居民宫颈癌宫颈脱落细胞检查覆盖情况及其影响因素,采用单因素和多因素分析其影响的因素。

    结果 上海地区女性人群一生中曾做过宫颈脱落细胞检查的占37.61% (中心城区女性为32.04%,非中心城区为42.01%)。其中, 86.14%的人最近一次宫颈脱落细胞检查年限<3年;在最近3年中做过检查的人群中, 73.50%是由于参加单位组织女工体检获得受检机会。<35岁年轻女性的检查覆盖率为21.97%; 55~64岁组妇女最近一次检查距本调查(2007年)的平均时间为4.00年,明显长于<35岁组及35~54岁组。居住在非中心城区、在婚、年龄在35~54岁、农民、由单位组织女工体检者、对宫颈癌的癌前症状和女性需要定期检查的知识知晓者检查覆盖率高。3年内做过筛检的主要影响因素仅为年龄和女工体检的组织者。

    结论 上海市女性宫颈涂片检查的覆盖率相对发于达国家较低;单位组织女工体检是女性接受宫颈涂片检查的主要途径; 35岁以下女性宫颈涂片检查的覆盖率低; 55~64岁者宫颈涂片筛查间隔时间长。


    Objective To invesigate the coverage of Pap smear screening among the female in Shanghai and analyze the influencing factors, so as to provide evidence for the cervical cancer screening program.

    Methods The data on coverage of Pap smear was collected randomly through questionnaire by home interviews. Influencing factors were identified by single and multiple factors analysis.

    Results The study showed that 37.61% of the female in Shanghai had taken pap test, while 32.04% and 42.01% in downtown and suburbs respectively. Among those tested, 86.14% had been tested in last 3 years. Among those tested in last 3 years, 73.50% were tested through gynecological examination organized and paid by their employees. The coverage of Pap test among women younger than 35 years old was 21.97%. The average time interval for the last test among women of 55 to 64 years old was 4.00 years, which was obviously higher than that of women younger than 35 years old and of 35 to 54 years old. The women affected by single factors such as living in suburbs, married, 35 to 54 years old, farmers, screening paid by employees, and well-informed of cervical cancer symptoms and necessity of regular screening, had higher coverage of Pap smear. The factors affecting those tested in last 3 years were age and whether the test paid by their employees.

    Conclusion The coverage of Pap smear in Shanghai is comparatively lower than that of developed countries. Pap smear is available to women mainly through the health examination paid by their employees. The coverage is lower among the women younger than 35 years old, while the average time interval is the longest among women of 55 to 64 years old.


