
Research Progress in Occupational Exposure Limits of 1-bromopropane

  • 摘要: 1-溴丙烷是消耗臭氧层的化学物—氟利昂类物质的替代物,随着近年在工业上的广泛应用,不断出现职业中毒的个案报道。本文就1-溴丙烷的毒性以及国外对其职业接触限值的研究进展作一简要综述,为今后国内制定1-溴丙烷的职业接触限值提供参考。


    Abstract: 1-bromopropane is a substitute of freon substances, the ozone depletion chemicals. With the wide application of 1-bromopropane in recent years, occupational intoxicated cases continued to get revealed. In China, the occupational exposure limit for 1-bromopropane has not been established yet. In this paper, the toxicity of 1-bromopropane and the research progress in occupational exposure limits abroad were briefly reviewed, and the focus of future research in this area was also explored.


