
Assessment on the Detection Methods for Radon in Environmental Air by Intercomparison Test among Laboratories

  • 摘要:
    目的 建立环境空气中氡检测实验室间比对方法,有助于实验室发现检测结果的系统误差,从而提高技术水平,确保检测结果准确可靠。

    方法 通过对被测环境空气氡浓度稳定性试验和均匀性试验,选择适合比对试验的稳定条件。6家实验室的7台氡检测仪,分别依据国家标准《环境空气中氡的标准测量方法》 (GB/T 14582-1993)和卫生部行业标准《空气中氡浓度的闪烁瓶测量方法》 (GBZ/T 155-2002)及《利用实验室间比对的能力验证——第1部分:能力验证计划的建立和运作》 (GB/T 15483.1-1999)规定的比对程序进行环境空气中氡浓度检测,比对结果采用稳健统计方法进行评价。

    结果 比对试验统计结果显示中位值(M)217 Bq/m3、稳健变异系数(Robust CV)14.3%、标准四分位间距(Norm IQR)31.1 Bq/m3、最大值(MAX)236 Bq/m3、最小值(MIN)85 Bq/m3、变动范围(R)151 Bq/m3。7台氡检测仪中,有5台比对结果满意, 1台结果有问题(Z比分数-2.28), 1台结果不满意(Z比分数-4.24)。

    结论 环境空气中氡浓度检测实验室间比对结果表明,不同检测方法、不同型号检测仪器的检测结果具有可比性。


    Objective To establish a process for intercomparison test for the detection methods for radon among la boratories in order to help them identifying systematic varaiances so as to improve the technical proficiency and to secure the reliability of test results.

    Methods Stability and uniformity tests of radon concentration were conducted on the testing environment for selecting the stability parameters appropriate for intercomparison test. Seven radon detectors in six laboratories were used for intercomparison analysis of radon in environmental air according to the National Standard on the Measuring Method for Radon in Environmental Air (GB/T 14582-1993), the Industry Standard on the Measuring Method for Radon in Air by Scintillation Flask by the Ministry of Health(GBZ/T 155-2002), as well as the National Standard on Proficiency Testing by Interlaboratory Comparisons-Part 1:Development and Operation of Proficiency Testing Schemes. The results of intercomparison tests were evaluated using robust statistics.

    Results The results of intercomparison tests evaluated with robust statistics showed that the median was 217 Bq/m3, robust CV was 14.3%, standard IQR 31.1 Bq/m3, maximum 236 Bq/m3, minimum 85 Bq/m3, and variation was 151 Bq/m3. Five radon detectors out of the seven were found to be satisfactory, one detector was questionable (Z-score:-2.28)and another one unsatisfactory (Z-score:-4.24).

    Conclusion It is concluded that the detection results using different detection methods or different patterns of equipments are basically comparable through the intercomparison results of detection of radon levels in environmental air among different laboratories. The accuracy and the reliability of the results of low level radon detection in environmental air are improved through intercomparison among the laboratories.


