
Predictors of Direct Cost Caused by Non-fatal Occupational Injury in a Locomotive Manufacture

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解某机车制造企业工人非致死性工伤所致直接成本的主要影响因素,为降低直接成本的干预措施提供可能依据。

    方法 以某大型机车制造企业2004年6月1日-2008年5月31日间发生工伤的工人为对象进行回顾性调查。工伤工人的职业卫生信息来自于企业的工伤报告;社会人口学、社会经济学资料通过问卷调查获得;受伤者医疗服务信息来自于该企业附属医疗机构的档案及医疗保障部门。用单因素分析及多元线性回归模型分析直接成本可能的影响因素。

    结论 纳入分析的201例工伤工人共造成直接成本408.13万元人民币。其中门诊费用4.11万元人民币,住院费用365.50万元人民币,间接医疗费用为38.52万元人民币。单因素分析表明,伤害程度、伤害性质及受伤部位影响直接成本的大小。多因素分析结果显示,伤害性质是门诊费用的影响因素;住院天数、伤害程度、婚姻状态、伤害性质及受伤部位是住院费用的直接或间接影响因素。

    结论 工人非致死性工伤的直接成本受多方面因素影响,建议建立跨部门的干预措施,以合理降低工人工伤引起的直接成本。


    Objective To identify the determinants of direct cost caused by non-fatal occupational injury, and to provide evidence for the intervention strategy towards reducing the direct cost.

    Methods A retrospective study of work-injured, suffered during the period between June 1st, 2004 and May 31st, 2008, in an electric locomotive enterprise in central China was employed. Employment information was retrieved from the company case reports, demographic and socio-economic data was interviewed by questionnaires, and medical information was retrieved from the affiliated hospital archival documents. Univariate analysis and multivariate liner regression model were used to examine the associations between potential determinants and direct cost.

    Results Altogether 201 injured eventually entered the analysis, causing the total direct cost of 4 081 300 yuan Renminbi, in which the outpatient cost, inpatient cost and indirect medical cost were 41 100 yuan, 3 655 000 yuan, and 385 200 yuan Renminbi respectively. Injury nature, severity and locus affected direct cost in the univariate analyses. The multivariate analysis indicated that injury nature was significantly associated with outpatient cost, while hospital days, injury severity, marital status, injury nature and locus affected the inpatient cost directly or indirectly.

    Conclusion Direct cost caused by non-fatal occupational injury was associated with multidimensional factors. Multi-sectional intervention strategy towards reducing direct cost should be developed.


