Objective To discuss the feasibility about the mode of taking charge of systematic occupation hygiene surveillance by analyzing the present condition of the basic status of occupation hygiene in small and medium enterprises in Putuo District, in order to improve the level of occupational health surveillance.
Methods Investigation of the occupational health status in small and medium size enterprises in this district during the period of May 2006 through March 2008 was inplemented, and statistical analysis was performed.
Results The main enterprises in Putuo District were small and medium ones, in which numerous occupational hazards existed, but as to an individual enterprise, the hazards were not very severe. The key indicators of surveillance showed an improved trend year after year. Enterprise reporting rate was more than 94%; occupational health surveillance rate more than 90%; and hazards detection rate in enterprises more than 65%. However, there was still a certain gap between the present status and the statutory demands, such as shortage of occupational health prevention education, ignorance of peasant worker's health, etc.
Conclusion The occupational health surveillance done in Putuo District has some effects, but not reached the statutory requirements yet. The enterprise reporting rate and hazard detection rate are still lower than the national requirements, and the prevention education of occupational health is not fully expanded. Suggestions are recommended to explore the establishment of systematic occupational health system, by re-targeting from the "surveillance" to the "service", and introducing social forces to help the expertise personels, so that to achieve greater efficiency, and to promote our occupational health work.