
Evaluation of Surface Source Water Quality in Zhoushan, 2011

  • 摘要:
    目的 利用一种地表水源地水质评价模型, 对舟山群岛各种生活饮用水水源进行检测与评价, 了解该市2011 年多种水源水的水质状况, 为确保饮用水安全提供依据。

    方法 对2011 年舟山群岛各种地表水源水211 份样品(来源包括不同水源、区域、水厂、季度)28 项指标进行检测。按照检测指标对健康影响的程度, 把评价指标分成毒理类(第一类)、有机污染类(第二类)和一般化学类(第三类)。灵活选取转换指数法、加权平均法、最差因子判别法和内梅罗法等综合指数计算模式和专家咨询法赋予各类指标健康权重, 求得类综合指数后, 再采用加权平均法求得综合指数后进行综合评价, 并对样品检测结果进行分类与综合评价。

    结果 舟山群岛2011 年所有地表水源水中, 第一类指数为0.24& #177;0.13, 属Ⅰ类水;第二类指数为0.87& #177;0.68, 属Ⅴ类水;第三类指数为0.29& #177;0.18, 属Ⅰ类水;综合指数为0.40& #177;0.19, 属Ⅰ类水。在常用的3 种水源中, 水库水水质最好, 其一、三类类指数评价和综合指数评价结果都达到了Ⅰ类水源水的标准, 第二类指数评级为Ⅲ类水;大陆引水水质次之, 其第二类污染指标评级为Ⅴ类水;河道水质最差, 其第二类污染指标评级为劣Ⅴ类水, 综合指数评级为Ⅲ类水。

    结论 舟山群岛地表水源水水质基本符合国家《地表水环境质量标准》, 但大陆引水和河道水水质的有机污染比较严重。


    Objective To test and evaluate various kinds of drinking water sources in Zhoushan Archipelago in 2011 using a surface water assessment model, and to provide evidence for drinking water safety determination.

    Methods In 2011, 211 samples from different water sources, areas, waterworks, and quarters were collected for a 28-item water quality test in Zhoushan Archipelago. According to the association with potential adverse health effects, the evaluation indices were classified as toxicological chemicals (I), organic pollutants (II), and general chemicals (III). Index conversion, weighted average, worst factor judgment, Nemerow method, and Delphi consultation were used to weight the 3 classes of indices and to obtain category comprehensive indices. Then weighted average method was adopted to obtain a comprehensive index which was used for general water quality evaluation.

    Results Of the water samples detected, the index I was 0.24& #177;0.13, indicating Class I (excellent) of the national surface water standards; the index II was 0.87& #177;0.68, suggesting Class V (heavily polluted) water; the index III was 0.29& #177;0.18, implying Class I (excellent); and the comprehensive index was 0.40& #177;0.19, within the range of Class I (excellent) water. Among the 3 common water sources, the water quality of the reservoir water samples was the best, because its index I and III met Class I (excellent) water standards and its index II were ranked Class III; followed by the mainland water diversion samples, whose index II was Class V (heavily polluted; and the river water samples with the index II graded Class V (seriously polluted) and the category comprehensive index graded Class III (marginal).

    Conclusion The quality of surface source water basically meets the requirement of the national Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water despite the mainland water diversion and river water samples graded heavy organic pollution.


