
Effects of Weather on Stroke Incidence during Shanghai World Exposition

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析上海市世界博览会期间各型脑卒中病例发病与气象关系。

    方法 获取上海市脑卒中监测系统中2010 年4 月-10 月的病例数据及同期上海市气象局公布的气象数据,导入SPSS 17.0 软件进行统计分析。

    结果 上海市脑卒中发病数7 629 例。其中,脑梗死6 021 例(78.92%),脑出血1 251 例(16.40%),蛛网膜下腔出血118 例(1.55%),卒中不分型239 例(3.13%)。4-10 月各月发病数分别为4 月(仅11 d 的病例数)460 例、5 月1 194 例、6 月1 185 例、7 月1 184 例、8 月1 175 例、9 月1 157 例、10 月1 274 例;此间最高气温39℃,最低气温8℃。脑梗死发病与最低、最高气温及气压的相关系数分别为-0.046、-0.044、0.048(均P < 0.001);脑出血发病与最低、最高气温及气压的相关系数分别为0.048、0.047、-0.046(均P < 0.001)。

    结论 上海市世博会期间,脑卒中病例中以脑梗死居多,其次为脑出血。各月脑卒中发病总数变化不显著;其中脑梗死的发病数随气温降低而多发,随气压上升而增多;脑出血的发病数随气温升高而多发,随气压上升而减少。


    Objective To analyze the relationship between stroke occurrence and weather conditions during the period of the Shanghai World Exposition (EXPO).

    Methods Patients information from April to October 2010 were collected from the Shanghai Stroke Surveillance System, and weather data published by Shanghai Weather Bureau were also retrieved. Data analysis was performed with SPSS17.0.

    Results During the Shanghai EXPO, a total of 7 629 stroke cases were recorded. The incidence number of cerebral infarction (CI), intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), and unspecified stroke were 6 021 (78.92%), 1 251 (16.40%), 118 (1.55%), and 239 (3.13%), respectively. From April (only 11 days data available) to October of 2010, the incident count of stroke occurred in each month was 460, 1 194, 1 185, 1 184, 1 175, 1 157, and 1 274. In this period, the highest temperature was 39℃ and the lowest was 8℃. The correlation coefficients of CI occurrence with the lowest temperature, the highest temperature, and air pressure were -0.046, -0.044, and 0.048, respectively (P < 0.001). The correlation coefficients of ICH occurrence with the lowest temperature, the highest temperature, and air pressure were 0.048, 0.047, and -0.046, respectively (P < 0.001).

    Conclusion In the period of the Shanghai EXPO, CI cases were the highest occurred stroke, followed by ICH. The total amount of stroke incidents for each month didn't fluctuate apparently. However, CI incidents increased with temperature decreasing and air pressure increasing, and ICH incidents increased with temperature increasing and air pressure decreasing.


