
Awareness of Occupational Disease Prevention in Citizens of Shanghai and Related Impact Factors

  • 摘要:
    目的 就上海市公众对职业病防治工作的看法、态度及相关法律、职业病防治知识的了解情况开展问卷调查,为上海市今后的职业卫生的工作重点和宣传明确方向。

    方法 在全市范围选取人流密集的公共场所,采取方便抽样方法对7876人开展问卷调查,用χ2检验进行统计学分析。

    结果 调查对象对《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》知晓情况较好,知晓率达95.9%。具有维权索赔意识的比例为95.7%;公众认为职业病防治工作主管部门应为政府(统领全市的领导机构)及卫生部门(具体事务主管部门);公众对职业病防治工作的评价较高,评价差的比例仅为8.7%,在职业病防治态度上,有53.5%的调查对象不知道自己工作岗位是否有职业危害因素;在职业病防治常识上,调查对象对酸碱等伤害处理常识、喷漆作业防护、电焊作业危害等方面掌握较差,男性对上述知识的知晓程度高于女性;随着年龄的增加,知晓率也呈现上升趋势,随着文化程度增高,职业病防护知识知晓率也相应增高。

    结论 在今后开展职业病防治常识的健康教育中,应充分发挥社会、用人单位和个人三方的力量,针对不同文化层次、不同岗位的人群开展相应的普及宣教,将企业职业卫生培训与职业安全培训放在同等重要的地位;同时应针对重点职业危害、重点人群和重点行业开展以专业培训为主,形式多样的科学知识普及活动,提高劳动者的职业卫生知识知晓水平。


    Objective To identify work priorities and dissemination goals of occupational disease prevention by questionnaires interviewing the public about the awareness and attitudes towards occupational disease prevention and related laws in Shanghai.

    Methods Convenience sampling method was used to recruit 7 876 participants from crowded public places in Shanghai. Chi-square test was employed for statistical analysis.

    Results Of the participants investigated, 95.9% of them knew the law and 95.7% were aware of compensation. They considered the municipal government and the health sectors should be responsible for occupational disease prevention. Most people praised the occupational disease prevention achievement, and only 8.7% reported negative comments. In regard of attitudes towards occupational disease prevention, 53.5% of the participants didn't recognize occupational hazards in their workplaces; and the participants reported less common knowledge on acid/alkali, painting, and welding hazards prevention, but the male participants showed better related knowledge than the female. The qualified rate of occupational disease related knowledge increased as the increase of age or education level.

    Conclusion Pertinent approaches should developed for future occupational health education, in collaboration with society, enterprises, and individuals with different educational background and from various job categories. Occupational health and occupational safety weigh equally in health education. Moreover, identification of critical occupational hazards, target population, and key industries should also be considered in order to improve worker's awareness of occupational disease prevention and protect their health.


