
Characteristics of Sexual Partner Network and High Risk Sexual Behavior among Men Who Have Sex with Men

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解男男性行为(MSM)人群性伴网络特征及该人群中高危性行为的发生情况, 探讨性病(STDs)、人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)在该人群中传播及向普通人群传播的模式, 为开展性病、艾滋病预防控制提供依据。

    方法 通过艾滋病自愿咨询检测门诊、同性恋人群活动场所、同性恋QQ群内动员、"滚雪球"等途径寻找MSM人群,招募151人,采用面对面匿名问卷调查方式收集信息。

    结果 151名被调查者中最近 6个月有 30人(19.9%)与异性发生过性行为,高危性行为的发生率为 53.3%; 与同性性活动情况, 其中 91人(60.3%)有同性固定性伴, 76人(50.3%)与非固定同性性伴的人发生过多次男男性行为(简称有多次男性伴), 77人(51.0%)发生过偶遇性行为(简称有偶遇男性伴), 10人(6.6%)从事商业性行为。而在与固定性伴、多次男性伴、偶遇男性伴、商业性行为中高危性行为的发生率依次是 69.2%、57.9%、50.6%、70.0%。与固定男性伴高危性行为的发生率高于与偶遇男性伴高危性行为的发生率(P=0.014)。最近 6个月有 2种及以上性伴类型占 58.9%。30名已感染 HIV者中有多次男性伴及偶遇男性伴类型的比例分别为 53.3%和 63.3%; 有过多次男性伴、偶遇男性伴性行为者中发生高危性行为的比例分别为 50.0%和 63.2%。感染 HIV者与固定男性伴发生高危性行为的率低于未感染 HIV者(P=0.029)。

    结论 MSM人群性伴网络复杂多样, 高危性行为发生率高。不仅使 HIV在该人群中容易传播, 且该人群已成为向普通人群传播 HIV的"桥梁" 人群。


    Objective To investigate sexual partner network and the prevailing of high risk behaviors among men who have sex with men (MSM), to explore how human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are transmitted among this population and passed to the general population, so as to provide basis for HIV/STDs prevention and control.

    Methods MSM were recruited from voluntary counseling and testing clinics and venues of MSM by snowball sampling, and were interviewed face-to-face with anonymous questionnaires.

    Results Among the 151 MSM surveyed, 30 subjects (19.9%) had female sexual partners in the past six months, 91 (60.3%) had boyfriends, 76 (50.3%) had occasional male partners, 77 (51.0%) had one-night-stand male partners, and 10 (6.6%) provided commercial sexual services for male clients. Their rate of high risk behaviors was 53.3%, 69.2%, 57.9%, 50.6% and 70.0%, respectively, and that with boyfriends was significantly higher than that with one-night-stand male partners (P=0.014). In the past six months, 58.9% of the subjects had two or more types of sexual partners. Among the 30 HIV-positives, the proportion of having occasional male partners and one-nightstand male partners was 53.3% and 63.3% respectively, and their rate of high risk behaviors was 50.0% and 63.2% respectively. The rate of high risk behaviors with boyfriends of the HIV-positives was significantly lower than that of the HIV-negatives (P=0.029).

    Conclusion MSM have varied and complex sexual partner networks and a high rate of sexual behaviors with high risks, which not only facilitates HIV transmission within MSM population, but also plays as a bridge role in passing HIV to general population.


