
A Study on the Factors Influencing the Microbial Contamination at the Household Drainpipe in a Residence Area Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 观察住宅居室下水管道内微生物污染的影响因素。

    方法 于2008 年9 月选取上海市120 个住户的下水管道开展检测与调查,检测指标包括菌落总数、霉菌(fungal genus)、酵母菌(saccharomycete)、大肠菌群(coliform)和金黄色葡萄球菌(staphylococcus aureus);调查内容包括居住年限、楼层次、清洗情况等。分别采用秩和检验和χ2 检验法对数据进行分析。

    结果 被调查住户中下水管道曾发生堵塞(不畅)和散发异味的分别有57.5%和48.3%。不同居住年限住宅中各下水管道部位微生物的检出率没有差异(P>0.05);而除卫生间地漏口外,不同居住年限住宅中各下水管道部位的微生物污染水平存在差异(P<0.05),居住2~5 年的住宅下水管道微生物检测平均值低于居住6 年及以上住宅的。不同楼层各下水管道部位的微生物污染水平没有差异(P>0.05),同一部位进行日常性清洗和不进行清洗的污染状况也没有差别(P>0.05)。

    结论 下水管道微生物污染普遍存在于各种居住年限的住宅中,居住年限少的住宅下水管道微生物污染相对较轻。楼层次第和是否采用单纯水洗与下水管道微生物污染水平无关。


    Objective To investigate the influencing factors of the microbial contamination in the household sewage drainpipe.

    Methods A total of 120 apartments were investigated in September 2008. The survey involved total bacterial count, fungus, saccharomycete, coliform, and staphylococcus aureus; and questionaire on the dwell period, the order of floor layer and the cleaning status. The sum rank test and χ2 test were used to analyze the data.

    Results There were 57.5% and 48.3% of investigated apartments had happened blockage of draining and with offensive odor emitted from the drainpipe. On statistics of the rate of microbial detection, there was no difference among the apartments with different dwell period(P>0.05), except for the contamination at the outlet of the floor drain in toiletroom. There were significant differences among the microbial contamination level among certain household drainpipe(P<0.05). The average level of microbial contamination in household drainpipe for the apartment with 2-5 years dwell period was lower than that of the apartments with over 6 years dwell period. In addition, there was no difference for the microbial contamination level in the household drainpipes among different floor layer(P>0.05); furthermore, the daily cleaning process did not affact the microbial contamination level(P>0.05).

    Conclusion Microbial contamination in the household drainpipe is generally existed in the apartments, relative lower contamination is happened in the apartment with shorter dwell period. The order of floor layer and daily water cleaning did not related to the microbial contamination.


