
A Cross-Sectional Survey on Sexual Behaviors among MSM with Their Social Contacts in Pudong New Area, Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解浦东新区男男性行为(men who have sex with men,MSM)人群与谈心对象和社会交往对象性行为发生情况和艾滋病感染可能性的认知情况。

    方法 采用横断面调查研究的方法,于2010年6-12月对158名符合入选标准的研究对象进行问卷调查,收集一般人口学信息、工作生活状况、社交网络与性行为情况等资料。

    结果 共完成158份合格问卷,调查对象平均年龄为(30.7& #177;6.9)岁,82.3%的人性取向为同性恋者。第一次和男性发生性行为的年龄为(22.3& #177;4.9)岁。平均每人有谈心对象2.2个,83.4%的男性谈心对象为男同性恋,76.9%的男性社会交往对象为男同性恋。调查对象与男同性恋谈心对象及社会交往对象间的性行为发生率为37.2%,过去6个月每次都用安全套的比例为57.9%,41.8%的调查对象认为自己不可能感染艾滋病,35.5%的HIV感染者不同意"很多人认为男同性恋会感染艾滋病,并死于艾滋病"的看法。

    结论 浦东新区MSM人群与社交对象间发生性行为的情况较普遍,安全套使用率偏低,对自我感染艾滋病的认识也较低,需要加大工作力度深入开展该人群的艾滋病防治工作。


    Objective To assess sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men (MSM) with their intimate friends and social contacts and their awareness of HIV infection risk in Pudong New Area.

    Methods From June to December 2010, a crosssectional survey was conducted among 158 eligible MSM to collect information on demographic characteristics, living condition, social networks and sexual behaviors, etc.

    Results A total of 158 MSM were recruited and interviewed by a structured questionnaire, with the mean age of (30.7& #177;6.9) years old, and 82.3% of the participants were self-identified as homosexual. The mean age of first sexual behavior with men were (22.3& #177;4.9) years old. Each MSM had an average of 2.2 intimate friends, and 83.4% of the intimate friends and 76.9% of the social contacts were homosexual. The prevalence of sex with intimate friends and social contacts were 37.2%. In the past six months, 57.9% MSM used condoms every time. In addition, 41.8% interviewees believed that they would not be infected with HIV, 35.5% HIV carriers disagreed with the statement that many gay will be infected with and will die of it.

    Conclusion It is common that MSM in Pudong New Area have sexual behaviors with their intimate friends and social contacts, their condom using rate is low, and they don't consider they are at the risk of HIV infection. Interventions should be developed to prevent HIV transmission among this group.


