
An Introduction to International Classification of Childhood Cancer, Third Edition(ICCC-3)

  • 摘要: 儿童肿瘤国际分类(International Classification of Childhood Cancer,ICCC)是专门针对儿童恶性肿瘤(包括中枢神经系统良性肿瘤)的分类编码系统,能反映儿童肿瘤的特点。ICCC是在国际疾病分类肿瘤学专辑(ICD-O)的基础上发展而来,共有12 大类48 小类。采用统一分类标准收集和分析资料是开展儿童恶性肿瘤病因、治疗和生存等研究的基础。在借鉴国外开展儿童肿瘤研究的基础上,采用国际儿童肿瘤分类(ICCC),收集适合我们实际情况的统一的儿童肿瘤监测资料有助于了解我国的儿童肿瘤发病及流行情况,为进一步开展儿童肿瘤的病因、诊断、治疗和预后研究提供基础数据,以切实提高我国的儿童肿瘤的防治水平。


    Abstract: The International Classification of Childhood Cancer(ICCC)is used to group histologic types and sites into meaningful categories for childhood cancers, which reflects characteristics of childhood cancers. The classification of childhood cancer is based on tumor morphology and primary site with an emphasis on morphology rather than the emphasis only on primary site in the adults's classification system. ICCC is based on the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology and contains 12 main diagnostic groups and 48 subgroups. The appropriate application of this system is the base to conduct childhood cancer monitoring and researches, including etiology, treatment and survival researches for childhood cancer. It will improve the practice of childhood cancer prevention and control.


