Objective To find out the kinds and intensity of occupational hazardous factors in department of physiotherapy in a hospital and discuss feasible control measures.
Methods On the basis of on-site investigation, we carried out the hygienic measurement and assessment on the contacting level of occupational hazardous factors for medical personnels in this department.
Results There existed three kinds of hazardous factors including ultra high frequency radiation, high frequency electromagnetic field and microwave radiation in the department of physiotherapy. In the ultra-short wave therapeutic room, the electrical-field intensity of ultra high frequency radiation in both office region and treatment region exceeded the occupational exposure limit. The electrical-field intensity on the head, chest and abdomen of medical personnel was 61.4-88.8 V/m, which was 3 times higher than the occupational exposure limit. The electrical-field intensity on doctors' head was the highest in the three parts. In the high frequency treatment region, the electrical-field intensity on head, chest and abdomen of medical personnel was 32.3-44.2 V/m, exceeded the national hygienic standard. The microwave radiation intensity in the microwave therapeutic room is in accord with the national hygienic standard.
Conclusion In order to decrease the occupational exposure level of electromagnetic radiation, the occupational protective measures such as increasing the distance of office region from treatment region, taking electromagnetic shielding on field emission source, hanging shielding curtain between the office region and treatment region and providing personal protective equipments should be considered in the department of physiotherapy.