Discussion on Emergency Management Capacity in Environmental Health Crisis
积极应对和科学处置突发环境卫生事件是构建和谐社会的一项重要任务。本文以"5.12"汶川大地震为例,对我国大陆现阶段环境卫生突发事件应急管理工作取得的进展及其不足(如应对突发环境卫生事件机制仍待进一步健全,缺少应急机制,缺乏统一发展规划等)进行了概括,并提出了加强应对能力的建议。 Abstract: Actively answering and scientifically disposing environmental health crisis are importance missions in constructing a harmony society. With "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake as an example, this paper summarized the current status of our environmental health emergency management and the related system inadequacy, such as potential improvement to the system and the lack of a systematic development plan, etc, and recommendations to capacity building were proposed.