
Effect of Pollution of Offset Printing Workshop on Neurobehavioral Function of Workers

  • 摘要:
    目的 通过对印刷作业场所的职业卫生调查,探讨印刷业污染物对工人神经行为功能的影响。

    方法 用气相色谱法(GC)测定胶印车间空气中苯系物含量;采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP)测定胶印车间空气中、人体血清和头发样品中Pb、Mn 和Cr 的含量;采用世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的神经行为核心测试组合(neurobehavioral core test battery,简称NCTB)方法,对40 名印刷作业工人(暴露组)和40 名非印刷作业员工(对照组)进行神经行为功能的测试。

    结果 胶印车间空气中苯、甲苯、二甲苯的平均浓度分别为24.52 mg/m3、420.33 mg/m3、105.62 mg/m3,苯系物的浓度均超过国家标准;车间空气中Pb、Mn 和Cr 浓度分别为0.047 mg/m3、0.450 mg/m3、0.031 mg/m3,Mn 的浓度超过国家标准。对照组血清中Pb、Mn 和Cr 的含量分别为(132.0& #177;63.4)μg/L、(17.72& #177;2.94)μg/L、(3.85& #177;0.62)μg/L,暴露组血清中三者分别为(150.20& #177;52.30)μg/L、(19.08& #177;3.09)μg/L、(4.11& #177;0.83)μg/L;对照组头发中Pb、Mn 和Cr 的含量分别为(1.040& #177;0.319)μg/g、(0.411& #177;0.083)μg/g、(4.346& #177;1.359)μg/g,暴露组头发中三者分别为(1.736& #177;0.651)μg/g、(0.977& #177;0.032)μg/g、(8.049& #177;2.818)μg/g。暴露组血清及头发中Mn、Cr 的含量明显高于对照组(P<0.05),两组Pb 含量差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在有力- 好动、愤怒- 敌意、数字跨度和目标追踪测试中,对照组得分分别为21.13& #177;6.32、10.34& #177;6.07、20.25& #177;3.61 和170.04& #177;57.45,暴露组得分分别为17.64& #177;4.09、14.20& #177;7.33、17.63& #177;3.33 和117.93& #177;49.02,两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    结论 胶印车间的污染物可能对印刷工人神经行为功能有一定的影响。


    Objective To study the neurobehavioral function among offset printing workers.

    Methods A total of 40 printing workers were selected as exposure group, while 40 workers without any exposure to chemical as control group. The concentrations of benzene and its homologues were determined by gas chromatography(GC). The levels of Pb, Mn and Cr were determined by the inductance-coupling plasma atom emission spectrum method(ICP). The neurobehavioral function of workers were examined with neurobehavioral core test battery(NCTB)recommended by WHO.

    Results The air concentrations of benzene, toluene and xylene were 24.52 mg/m3, 420.33 mg/m3, and 105.62 mg/m3. All exceeded the national standards. The concentrations of Pb, Mn and Cr in the plant were 0.047 mg/m3, 0.45 mg/m3 and 0.031 mg/m3. The concentration of Mn exceeded the national standards. The levels of Pb, Mn and Cr in serum of the control group were(132.0& #177;.63.4)μg/L, (17.72& #177;2.94)μg/L, and(3.85& #177;0.62)μg/L. The levels of Pb, Mn and Cr in serum of the exposure group were(150.2& #177;52.3)μg/L, (19.08& #177;3.09)μg/L, and(4.11& #177;0.83)μg/L. The levels of Pb, Mn and Cr in hair of the control group were(1.040& #177;0.319)μg/g, (0.411& #177;0.083)μg/g, and(4.346& #177;1.359)μg/g. The levels of Pb, Mn and Cr in hair of he exposure group were(1.736& #177;0.651)μg/g,(0.977& #177;0.032)μg/g, and(8.049& #177;2.818)μg/g. Compared with the control group, the levels of Mn and Cr in serum and hair of the exposure group were increased significantly(P<0.05), the level of Pb in serum and hair did not show significant difference(P>0.05). In the tests of vigor-activity, anger-animus, aiming and digit span, the scores of the control group were 21.13& #177;6.32, 10.34& #177;6.07, 20.25& #177;3.61, and 170.04& #177;57.45. The scores of the exposure group were 17.64& #177;4.09, 14.20& #177;7.33, 17.63& #177;3.33 and 117.93& #177;49.02. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).

    Conclusion Neurobehavioral function of offset printing workers were influenced by air pollution in the workshop. However, other factors need to be further ruled out.


