
Impacts of Working Population's Health on Productivity: A Quantitative Analysis

  • 摘要:
    目的 探讨职业人群健康对生产力的影响。

    方法 选择上海市某区自愿参加健康单位建设的8家企事业单位的全部在职员工进行问卷调查,定量分析进行职业人群健康状况(评价指标包括健康自评、心理健康和慢性病患病否)对生产力的影响。

    结果 在职业人群健康状况方面,调查对象健康自评为很好、较好、一般、差或很差的比例分别为14.62%、31.72%、48.69%、4.97%;心理健康不佳者(WHO-5总评分低于13分)比例占52.83%,调查对象中无慢性病、有一种慢性病、有两种及以上慢性病者所占比例分别为51.66%、27.87%、17.87%。在健康状况对生产力受损的影响方面,健康自评每下降一级,生产力受损指标健康问题所致工作时间损耗百分比(percentage of work time missed due to health,PWH)除外,健康问题所致工作损伤百分比(percentage of impairment while working due to health,PIH)、总体工作损伤百分比(percentage of over all work impairment due to health,POH)、活动损伤百分比(percentage of activity impairment due to health,PAH)增加20个百分点(P<0.01);心理健康不佳者生产力受损指标(PWH除外,PIH、POH、PAH)较心理健康较好者增加10个百分点(P<0.01),达到30%;患1种以上慢性病者生产力受损指标(PIH、POH)达到30%。

    结论 职业人群健康状况不佳(健康自评一般和差或很差、心理健康不佳的比例均超过53%)和健康状况(评价指标包括健康自评、心理健康和慢性病患病否)对员工生产力有影响,健康状况越差,对生产力影响程度越大。建议加强职业人群健康促进,以减少生产力损失。


    Objective To explore the impacts of working population's health on productivity.

    Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information on health status and related productivity impairment in all employees of 8 enterprises and institutions by a cluster sampling strategy in Shanghai.

    Results The proportions of four categories of health self-assessment (very well, well, general and poor or very poor) were 14.62%, 31.72%, 48.69% and 4.97% respectively. The percentage of those with poor psychological well-being (WHO-5 scores less than 13) was 52.83%. The proportions of having none, one or more than two types of chronic diseases were 51.66%, 27.87% and 17.87% respectively. The productivity impairment in dices, i.e. percentage of impairment while working due to health (PIH), percentage of over all work impairment due to health (POH), percentage of activity impairment due to health (PAH), except percentage of work time missed due to health (PWH), were negatively associated with the health self-assessment, 20% fall for each grade (P<0.01). The index (PIH, POH, PAH except PWH) of those with poor psychological well-being reached 30%, 10% higher than that of those with good psychological well-being (P<0.01). PIH and POH of those having more-than-one chronic disease also achieved 30%.

    Conclusion The poor health status of the studied population, with over 53% self-assessed as general and poor or very poor, demonstrates negative impacts on productivity in all categories including health self-assessment, psychological health, as wells as having chronic diseases or not. It is necessary to strengthen health promotion in target population to control productivity impairment.


