
Study on the Surrounding Environmental Pollution by a Slaughtering and Meat Processing Plant and its Hygienic Buffer Zone

  • 摘要:
    目的 监测肉类联合加工厂(肉联厂)及其下风向大气污染状况, 分析监测季节、时段以及距离等因素对其污染状况的影响, 计算无组织污染源排放源强及卫生防护距离。

    方法 分别依据《环境空气和废气 氨的测定 纳氏试剂分光光度法》 (HJ533-2009)、《居住区大气硫化氢卫生检验标准方法 亚甲蓝分光光度法》 (GB 11742-89)与《空气质量 恶臭的测定 三点比较式臭袋法》 (GB/T 14675-93)现场监测 NH3、H2S及恶臭浓度。PM10使用 TSI AM510直读监测。

    结果 重复测量方差分析结果显示, 对 NH3、PM10、H2S浓度以及恶臭浓度均有明显影响的因素为采样季节(P < 0.05)、采样时段 (P < 0.05)及其二级交互作用 (P < 0.05)以及监测点与污染源间距离因素 (P < 0.05) (PM10除外, P=0.068), 对恶臭有明显影响的因素还包括距离与季节的二级交互作用 (P=0.032)、距离与时段二级交互作用 (P=0.025)。对监测现场周围随机选取 108名 (回收 100份)调查对象的问卷结果显示, 离开污染源 300~400 m已无恶臭污染引起的不良症状。根据 《制定地方大气污染物排放标准的技术方法》 (GB/T 13201-1991)确定卫生防护距离为 400 m。

    结论 NH3、H2S、PM10以及恶臭浓度受采样季节、采样时段以及监测点与污染源之间的距离等因素影响, 且存在交互作用, 调查问卷以及卫生防护距离计算结果均显示在日屠宰量为 6500头、近 5年平均地面风速为 2~4m/s条件下, 该肉联厂的卫生防护距离以 400m为宜。


    Objective To monitor the air quality of a slaughtering and meat processing plant and its downwind area, analyze the influencing factors and calculate the appropriate results for the setting of hygienic buffer zone.

    Methods The concentrations of some air pollutants were monitored with current national standards, i.e. Air and exhaust gas-Determination of ammonia-Nessler's reagent spectrophotometry, HJ533-2009, for NH3; Standard method for hygienic examination of hydrogen sulfde in air of residential areas-Methylene blue spectrophotometric method, GB 11742-89, for H2S; Air qualityDetermination of odor-Triangle odor bag method, GB/T 14675-93, for malodor. PM10 were detected with TSI AM510 Personal Aerosol Monitor.

    Results The factors influencing the concentrations of NH3, PM10, H2S and malodor substantially were sampling season (P < 0.05), sampling time (P < 0.05), the interaction between them (P < 0.05), as well as the distance downwind from the source (P < 0.05) (except PM10, P=0.068). For malodor, the influencing factors also included the interaction between sampling season and distance (P=0.032) and the interaction between sampling time and distance (P=0.025). The questionnaires of 108 randomly selected residents (100 questionnaires retrieved) who lived around the plant revealed that they were not affected by its air pollutants if they lived 300-400 m away. According to the relevant formula in Technical methods for making local emission standards of air pollutants (GB/T 13201-1991), the hygienic buffer zone was determined as 400 meters away from the meat processing plant.

    Conclusion The concentrations of NH3, H2S, PM10, and malodor are influenced significantly by sampling season, sampling time, the distance downwind from the source as well as the interaction between the first two factors. The questionnaire and the formula both reveal that it is appropriate if the hygienic buffer zone is determined as 400 meters away from the meat processing plant with the slaughter capacity of 6 500 per day at the wind speed of 2-4 m/s in recent 5 years.


