
Results of Occupational Health Examinations in Pingyang County, Zhejiang Province, 2008-2011

  • 摘要:
    目的 掌握平阳县4 年职业健康检查情况,明确今后职业卫生监管的重点,为制定针对性强的具有地区特色的职业病防治对策提供科学依据。

    方法 利用国家健康危害因素监测信息系统和职业卫生工作报表,收集平阳县2008-2011 年职业健康检查信息,对资料进行统计分析。

    结果 平阳县4 年职业健康检查应检企业1 404 家,企业受检率64.17%,应检人员13 464 人,人员受检率66.27%。疑似职业病检出14 人,检出率0.16%;职业禁忌证检出220 人,检出率2.47%;职业健康异常检出234 人,检出率为2.62%。受检企业数、企业受检率、受检人员数和人员受检率逐年增加,疑似职业病、职业禁忌证和职业健康异常等检出率逐年减少。职业健康检查企业主要分布在在萧江、昆阳、鳌江、万全、水头等五大经济重镇,行业以轻工和金属加工为主,企业规模以小型为主。疑似职业病和职业禁忌证检出率小型规模企业高于中型规模企业。疑似职业病主要分布在轻工、建材和化工等行业,检出率最高者为建材行业,其作业岗位为建材加工、家具制造和塑编印刷等涉尘、涉苯岗位。职业禁忌证主要分布在轻工、金属加工和建材等行业,检出率最高者为金属加工行业,其作业岗位为家具制造、塑编印刷、电镀和移膜制革等接触粉尘和化学毒物的岗位。

    结论 五大经济重镇、轻工与金属加工与建材行业、小型规模和涉尘、涉苯的企业是平阳县今后职业卫生监管的重点。建议对企业加强产业园区化分类管理,对作业工人实行基本职业健康检查,开展重点职业病监测与风险评估。


    Objective To provide a baseline for future policy making and disease prevention by analyzing the 4-year results of occupational health examinations in Pingyang County.

    Methods Information on occupational health examinations in Pingyang County during 2008-2011 was retrieved from the National Health Hazard Information Surveillance System and analyzed by statistical methods.

    Results Nine hundred and one out of 1 404 enterprises (64.17%) in Pingyang County carried out health examinations during the consecutive 4 years, and 8 923 of 13 464 workers (66.27%) participated in the examinations. Of the participants, the positive rates of suspected occupational diseases, occupational contraindications, and occupational health abnormalities were 0.16% (14 cases), 2.47% (220 cases), and 2.62% (234 cases), respectively. The numbers and percentages of enterprises and workers that carried out and participated in occupational health examinations increased gradually, contrary to the positive rates of suspected occupational diseases, occupational contraindications, and occupational health abnormalities. The enterprises that carried out occupational health examinations distributed in 5 towns with significant economic growth potential, i.e. Xiaojiang, Kunyang, Aojiang, Wanquan, and Shuitou, and were largely composed of small scale enterprises in light industries and metal processing industries. The positive rates of suspected occupational diseases and occupational contraindications in the smallscale enterprises were significantly higher than in the medium-scale ones. The suspected occupational diseases were mainly found in light, construction material, and chemical industries, where the construction material industry accounted for the highest positive rate, especially in the jobs involving material processing, furniture manufacturing, plastic printing, and others with exposure to dust or benzene. Occupational contraindications were mainly reported in light, metal processing, and construction material industries, where the metal processing industry presented the highest positive rate, especially in the jobs involving furniture manufacturing, plastic printing, electroplating, leather making, and others with exposure to dust or chemical poisons.

    Conclusion Occupation health inspection should focus on the dust-or benzene-exposed small-scale enterprises in the 5 economically advanced towns in Pingyang County, covering light, metal processing, construction material industries. The findings suggest that categorized management in industrial zones, basic occupational health examinations among workers, and surveillance and risk assessment of key occupational diseases should be implemented.


