
Epidemic Characteristics of Injuries among Residents of Hongkou District

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解上海市虹口区居民伤害发生情况、流行特征以及疾病负担,为创建安全社区提供决策支持。

    方法 采用二阶段简单随机抽样的方法抽取到10400户共25153名常住居民对2010年6月1日至2011年5月31日期间的伤害发生情况进行回顾性调查,主要内容有性别、出生年月、文化程度、职业、伤害原因、发生时间、发生地点、伤害时的活动、伤害部位和性质。

    结果 伤害粗发生率为3.10%, 95%可信区间为2.79%~3.21%;标化发生率为2.50%;伤害次数发生率为3.30%,标化发生率为2.64%。前三位伤害原因是跌倒/坠落、交通事故、烧烫伤。发生地点以住所、街道公路、公共管理区域为多。伤害性质以浅表伤、脱位/扭伤/劳损、骨折为多。每例伤害患者治疗费用为3047元人民币。随着年龄的增长伤害发生率也提高(伤害发生率1~14岁组为1.45%, 15~44岁组为1.54%, 45~65岁组为3.18%, 65岁及以上年龄组为6.48%)。伤害发生率有性别差异,男性伤害发生率为2.33%,女性为3.82%。随着文化程度的提高伤害发生率有下降的趋势(文盲为4.47%,小学为4.59%,初中为4.38%,高中/中专为3.27%,大专为1.89%,大学为1.57%)。伤害发生还与婚姻状况有关,未婚者伤害发生率为1.30%,已婚者为3.15%,离异或丧偶者为7.35%。

    结论 安全社区建设应有针对性地开展伤害干预工作,重点干预女性、老人、文化程度低、离异独居的人员;干预重点场所应该为住所、街道公路、公共管理区域;减少因跌倒、交通事故造成的伤害的发生。


    Objective To provide support of policy decision for building safe communities by analyzing occurrence, epidemiological characteristics, and disease burden of injuries among the residents of Hongkou district in Shanghai.

    Methods A total of 25 153 residents from 10 400 families were chosen using two-stage simple random sampling and each resident was in terviewed to report retrospectively on injuries occurred from June 1, 2010 to May 31, 2011. The main contents included gender, date of birth, education level, occupation, cause of injury, time and place of injury occurrence, activity when injury occurred, in jured body part, and type of injury.

    Results The crude incidence rate of injury was 3.10%, and 95% confidence interval was 2.79%-3.21%; the standardized incidence rate was 2.50%. The person-time incidence rate of injury was 3.30%; the standardized person-time incidence rate was 2.64%. Top three causes of injury were fall, traffic accident, and burn. Most of injuries occurred at home, streets, and public areas. The major types of injury were superficial injury, dislocation/sprain/strain, and fracture. The average treatment cost for each case was RMB 3 047 Yuan. The incidence rate of injury increased with age (1.45% for 1-14 years of age, 1.54% for 15-44 years of age, 3.18% for 45-65 years of age, and 6.48% for 65 and over years of age). There were gender differences in in cidence rate of injury, 2.33% for males and 3.82% for females. The incidence rate was decreased as the education level rising, 4.47% for illiteracy, 4.59% for primary school, 4.38% for junior middle school, 3.27% for high/technical secondary school, 1.89% for college, and 1.57% for university. The incidence rate of injury was also related with the marital status, 1.30% for unmarried group, 3.15% for married group, and 7.35% for divorced/widowed group.

    Conclusion To build safe communities and to reduce the injury incidence due to fall and traffic accident, injury prevention interventions that focus on specific groups (women, the seniors, low level of education, divorced/living alone persons) and specific locations (home, streets, and public areas) should be carried out.


