
An Epidemiological Analysis of 80 Acute Occupational Poisoning Accidents

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析上海市浦东新区80起急性职业中毒事件的行业、人群和时间分布特征及主要原因,为制订防治对策提供依据。

    方法 用回顾性调查的方法,对该区1996年1月至2008年12月间发生的80起急性职业中毒事件进行回顾性调查分析。

    结果 80起急性职业中毒事件共造成157人中毒,其中男性129人(82.2%),女性28人(17.8%);年发生数以2003至2005年为高峰,共发生43起;致中毒化学物质中,硫化氢共造成急性职业中毒42人(26.8%),死亡15人(71.4%);发生于7-9月的急性职业中毒事件共45起(56.3%)。事故发生的主要原因有防护设施失效(35.0%)、未使用个人防护用品(28.7%)、违反安全操作规程(18.3%)等。

    结论 针对该区发生急性职业中毒主要原因,应采取加强安全教育、配备防护设施及相应个人防护用品等综合防制措施。


    Objective To study the characteristics of industry, population and time distributions of 80 acute occupational poisoning accidents in Pudong New Area of Shanghai, to explore the prime causes, and to provide a basis for developing control and prevention strategies.

    Methods A retrospective survey was conducted on 80 acute occupational poisoning accidents which occurred between January 1996 and December 2008.

    Results A total of 157 victims were identified in these 80 acute occupational poisoning accidents, with 129 males (82.2%) and 28 females (17.8%). The peak annual occurrence (43 accidents) was found in the period of 2003-2005. Sulfureted hydrogen was identified as the most common chemical substance that caused 42 people (26.8%) poisoned and 15 (71.4%) deaths. Of the 80 accidents, 45 (56.3%) occurred from July to September. The common causes of the accidents included protection equipment failure (35.0%), not wearing personal protective equipments (28.7%), and violation of safety operation procedures (18.7%).

    Conclusion A comprehensive strategy on safety education and the allocation of safeguards and personal protective equipments should be introduced against the causes of acute occupational poisoning.


