
Comparison of Air Lead Levels by Two Sampling Approaches

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解个体采样与定点采样两种方法对检测空气中铅时间加权平均浓度的影响。

    方法 使用个体采样与定点采样两种采样方法平行采集工作场所含铅的空气, 根据《工作场所空气有毒物质测定& #183;铅及其化合物》(GBZ/T 160.10-2004)方法测定铅时间加权平均浓度, 对其结果进行统计学对比分析。

    结果 个体采样和定点采样, 经在采用全面通风措施的工作岗位的采样结果比较表明, 两种采样方法差异无统计学意义;采用局部通风措施的工作岗位的采样结果表明, 两种采样方法差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05), 个体采样的结果高于定点采样。

    结论 在局部通风措施的工作场所, 不同采样方法对空气中铅检测结果有影响, 个体采样所得结果更能反映工人实际暴露水平。


    Objective To compare the time weighted average concentrations (TWAC) of lead in air by individual sampling and fixed point sampling.

    Methods Air lead was parallel sampled by individual sampling and fixed point sampling at workplace. According to the Methods for Determination of Lead and Its Compounds in the Air of Workplace (GBZ/T 160.10-2004), the time weighted average concentrations of lead in air were measured and compared.

    Results There was no statistically significant difference between the lead TWACs estimated by individual sampling and fixed point sampling at the spots with general ventilation of the selected workplace. But at the spots with local ventilation, the results estimated by the two sampling methods showed statistically significant differences.

    Conclusion In workplaces with local ventilation, the results of lead levels in air vary with sampling methods. Individual sampling could better reflect the actual exposure level.


