
Survey on Latrine Hygiene in Rural Areas of Dujiangyan

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解都江堰市农村户厕卫生状况及存在的问题。

    方法 于 2009年选择都江堰市 18个乡(镇),从每乡(镇)随机抽 2~3个行政村,各行政村再随机抽取 15~20户为调查对象。采用问卷调查方式对受访户家庭厕所的卫生状况、粪便处理情况以及卫生厕所相关知识知晓率进行调查。

    结果 741个受访者中,建厕率达 97.7%,卫生厕所普及率为 37.3%,卫生厕所以三格化粪池、完整下水道水冲式、沼气池式厕所为主,分别占 17.8%、11.7%、6.3%;60.5%的受访户仍使用非卫生厕所,主要是旱厕和简单水冲式厕所,分别占 51.4%、9.0%。84.9%的户厕厕屋完整,但只有 52.2%的卫生状况良好。卫生厕所入户率达 85.1%,非卫生厕所多建在室外,占 50.5%。农村户厕粪便利用率为 70.0%,以用作粪肥为主,占 62.5%;粪便无害化处理率仅为 40.1%。59.8%的受访者清楚卫生厕所概念,66.3%的受访者知道粪便传播疾病,但仅 15.9%的受访者知道如何使用化粪池,全部知识问题回答正确者仅占 11.3%。卫生厕所知识知晓率的主要影响因素是文化程度和职业类型。

    结论 都江堰市农村卫生厕所普及率及粪便无害化处理率偏低,农村粪便管理存在巨大的公共卫生安全隐患;农村居民对卫生厕所相关知识知晓率低,迫切需要开展有针对性的卫生厕所宣传教育工作,尤其是应关注低文化层次的农民。


    Objective To understand the hygienic condition and problems of latrine in rural areas of Dujiangyan, Sichuan.

    Methods In 2009, 2-3 villages were randomly chosen from each of the 18 towns in Dujiangyan, and 15-20 households from each of the selected villages were interviewed on sanitary status of latrine, excreta disposal, and awareness of sanitary latrine using questionnaires.

    Results Of the 741 households interviewed, 97.7% installed household latrines. The popularization rate of sanitary latrines was 37.3%, including three-compartment septic tanks (17.8%), complete sewerage water flush latrines (11.7%), and biogas-producing latrines (6.3%). However, 60.5% of the households still used non-sanitary latrines, mainly including pit toilets (51.4%) and simple water flush toilets (9.0%). Despite 84.9% of the household latrines with complete shelter structure, only 52.2% were in good sanitary condition. The coverage rate of sanitary latrines in house was 85.1% and 50.5% of non-sanitary latrines were installed outdoors. Feces utilization rates of household latrines were 70.0%, among which 62.5% were used as manure. Feces innocuous disposal rate was only 40.1%. As to the awareness of sanitary latrines, 59.8% of the respondents were aware of the concept of sanitary latrine, 66.3% understood that feces could spread diseases, 15.9% learned how to use septic tanks, and only 11.3% answered all the questions correctly. Education and occupation were the main influencing factors of the awareness rate of sanitary latrine.

    Conclusion Both the rates of sanitary latrine popularization and feces innocuous disposal are low in the rural areas of Dujiangyan, which indicates potential public health hazards in excrement management. The low awareness rate of sanitary latrine requires urgent attention to health education, especially for the rural farmers with low education.


