
A Planned Behavior Theory Based Study on Risk Factors of Unsafe Traffc Behaviors among Junior High School Students

  • 摘要:
    目的 运用计划行为理论建立初中生不良交通行为的危险因素调查问卷,并通过研究该问卷调查结果,分析相关危险因素,为有针对性地开展学生不良交通行为干预提供依据。

    方法 采用分层整群抽样对 1 495名 12~14岁初中生进行问卷调查,参考计划行为理论模型设计问卷,分析研究学生交通不良行为危险因素,运用 logistic回归模型进行单因素和多因素分析验证,确定相关危险因素以及干预策略。

    结果 本次调查中发生不良交通行为的学生占 65.5%;有不良交通行为意向的学生占 66.6%;本调查涉及的青少年交通规则的知晓程度、家长和学校对安全交通行为的规范要求以及学生自身对交通行为的自我控制等都是影响交通行为的因素,对安全的交通行为意向均呈正相关(P<0.01),行为意向与青少年的安全交通行为发生具有一致性正相关。

    结论 本次研究中运用计划行为理论模型初步找出初中生不良交通行为危险因素,提示对于不良交通行为的干预,不能局限于单纯的知识和态度的改变,还要参考计划行为理论模型,通过针对性的主观规范和知觉行为控制相关因素的干预,形成良好的行为意向,从而达到行为改变的效果。


    Objective To explore risk factors of unsafe traffic behaviors among junior high school students according to the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and to provide evidence for interventions toward unsafe traffic behaviors.

    Methods A TPB-based questionnaire survey was conducted anonymously in 1 495 junior high school students selected by stratified cluster random sampling method. Logistic regression models were applied to determine the risk factors and intervention strategies.

    Results About 65.5% students reported unsafe traffic behaviors, 66.6% students reported unsafe traffic behavior intentions. Students' awareness degree of traffic rules, requirements of safe traffic behaviors from parents and schools, and students' self control over obeying safe traffic behaviors were critical factors of traffic behavior intentions, showing significant positive correlation patterns. And the behavior intentions were also positively correlated with the occurrence of safe traffic behavior.

    Conclusion The study findings indicate that interventions toward unsafe traffic behaviors should not be limited to knowledge and attitude changes, instead, the TPB provides practical and effective approachs concerning correct behavior intention formation through the intervention in corresponding subjective norms and perceived behavior control.


