
The Relationship of Atropine Dosage and QEEG in Treating Rats Poisoned with Parathion

  • 摘要:
    目的 探索定量脑电图(quantitative electroencephalography, QEEG)变化与有机磷中毒过程中阿托品使用剂量的关系。

    方法 90只健康Sprague-Dawley 90天龄大鼠随机分为空白对照组(10只)、阳性对照组(10只)、染毒组(固定剂量对硫磷+不同剂量阿托品) (7组, 70只)。染毒组腹腔注射固定剂量对硫磷(5 mg/kg)+递增剂量阿托品(阿托品剂量分别为:10、20、50、100、200、500、750 mg/kg);空白对照组给予腹腔注射玉米油5 mg/kg;阳性对照组腹腔注射对硫磷5 mg/kg。给药后第0、5、10、20、30、60、120 min测大鼠QEEG(每次测定5 min)并采用癫痫分级评价阿托品中毒状态下行为学得分。

    结果 随着阿托品剂量递增, δ频段功率相应增大:阳性对照组和10、20、50、100、200、500、750 mg/kg剂量染毒组脑电图δ功率分别为:7.52& #177;0.33、7.14& #177;0.37、7.38& #177;1.36、7.80& #177;0.68、16.26& #177;1.77、29.24& #177;2.74、31.41& #177;2.94、36.17& #177;2.37;其δ功率与阿托品剂量呈剂量依赖关系(r=0.946, P=0.000)。癫痫分级评价结果显示随阿托品剂量增加,癫痫得分相应增加。

    结论 QEEG中δ频段功率能够反映有机磷中毒过程中阿托品剂量改变,癫痫分级能够反映大鼠中毒状态下行为学改变。


    Objective To investigate whether quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) could be used to monitor atropine intoxication in treating organic phosphate poisoning.

    Methods Ninety Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into 9 groups:blank group (n=10),parathion group (n=10),exposure groups (n=70).The exposure groups were peritoneal injected parathion (5 mg/kg) and atropine (10,20,50,100,200,500 and 750 mg/kg respectively),the blank and the patathion group were injected with corn oil (5 mg/kg) and parathion (5 mg/kg) respectively.The QEEG were detected at 0,5,10,20,30,60 and 120 min after injection,and electrocardiogram and ethologic parameters were observed simultaneously.

    Results The δ amplitude increased accordingly with the atropine dosage increase.The amplitudes of δ spectrum were 7.52& #177;0.33,7.14& #177;0.37,7.38& #177;1.36,7.80& #177;0.68,16.26& #177;1.77,29.24& #177;2.74,31.41& #177;2.94 and 36.17& #177;2.37 at the parathion and parathion combined with gradient dosage atropine groups (10,20,50,100,200,500,750mg/kg) respectively.The atropine dosages correlated with δ spectrum amplitude of the QEEG (r=0.946,P=0.000).The scores of epilepsy increased dependently with the atropine dosage raising when using the Racine' epilepsy evaluating system.

    Conclusion The amplitude of δ spectrum could reflect fluctuation of atropine dosages sensitively,the epilepsy grading could be used to evaluate rat's ethology in atropine intoxication.


