
Hepatic and Renal Oxidative Damage of Organic Pollutants in the Soil of Sewage Irrigation Area on Mice

  • 摘要:
    目的 研究污灌土壤中有机污染物对小鼠肝肾组织的氧化损伤。

    方法 选取某污灌农田土壤为研究对象(下称"污灌区"),地下水灌溉农田的土壤为对照(下称"对照区"),采用超声振荡法提取土壤中的有机污染物,对小鼠实验灌胃法染毒,共分为5组:试剂对照组(用二甲基亚砜染毒),对照区低、高剂量组,污灌区低、高剂量组,每日染毒1次,连续染毒2周。测定肝、肾组织的总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD),丙二醛(MDA),谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)。

    结果 污灌区高剂量组肝组织的MDA含量(中位数为1.18nmol/mg),GSH-Px活性(中位数为239.97U/mg蛋白质),低、高剂量组T-SOD活性(中位数分别为119.70U/mg蛋白质和76.72U/mg蛋白质)及肾组织的GSH-Px活性(中位数为133.12U/mg白质)均低于试剂对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

    结论 该污灌区土壤有机提取物可导致小鼠肝肾组织的氧化损伤。


    Objective To study the oxidative damage of organic extraction of the soil in sewage irrigation area on liver and kidney of mice.

    Methods Organic extractions were obtained from the soil in pollution area and control area by supersonic, and to feed the mice by garage in different doses(once each day for 14 days). Reagent(Dimethyl sulfoxide)was fed in control group. MDA, T-SOD, and GSH-Px in liver and kidney were detected.

    Results Compared with the reagent control group, MDA(1.18 nmol/mg.prot), GSH-Px (239.97 U/mg.prot) in liver were decreased in the high-dose group of the sewage irrigation area, T-SOD (119.70 and 76.72 U/mg.prot)in liver was decreased in the low-dose group and in the high-dose group of the sewage irrigation area (P<0.05 or P<0.01), GSH-Px(133.12 U/mg.prot)in kidney was decreased in both groups of the sewage irrigation area(P<0.05).

    Conclusion Organic extraction of the soil in sewage irrigation area could induce hepatic and renal oxidative damage in mice.


