
Analysis on the Occurrence of Chronic Occupational Diseases in Former Pudong New Area of Shanghai, 2004-2010

  • 摘要:
    目的 掌握上海市原浦东新区各类慢性职业病发病情况, 分析发病规律, 为制定职业病防治对策、措施和职业卫生监督管理提供依据。

    方法 收集 2004-2010年职业病报告卡, 根据职业病目录进行分类后采用 Excel表进行汇总分析。

    结果 尘肺病特别是电焊工尘肺居原浦东新区慢性职业病病例之首, 其次为铸工尘肺和苯中毒病例;船舶制造、机械加工和铸造企业为目前职业病病例高发单位; 职业病病例数特别是电焊工苯中毒和噪声聋等病种有增长趋势; 国有企业、私营企业和外资企业的慢性职业病发病人数占据前三位; 实际接触工龄大部分为 5年以上。

    结论 2004-2010年各类慢性职业病病例主要为国有企业、私营企业、外资企业中的船舶制造、机械加工和铸造等用人单位的尘肺病、慢性职业中毒和职业病耳鼻喉口腔疾病, 应进一步加强存在粉尘、有机溶剂、噪声等重点单位、重点岗位、重点人群的监督检查, 同时加强宣传培训和教育指导, 完善职业健康监护制度, 切实保障广大劳动者的职业健康权益。


    Objective To learn the occurrence of various chronic occupational diseases in former Pudong New Area, to analyze the characteristics of such diseases, and to provide a basis for prevention, treatment and management of occupational diseases.

    Methods The 2004-2010 report cards of occupational diseases were collected and categorized according to their specification, then analyzed with Excel.

    Results Pneumoconiosis, especially welder's pneumoconiosis ranked top among chronic occupational diseases in former Pudong New Area, followed by foundry worker's pneumoconiosis and benzene poisoning. Occupational diseases mostly occurred in ship building, machinery and foundry enterprises. The number of cases showed an increasing trend, especially among welder's pneumoconiosis, benzene poisoning and noise-induced deafness. State-owned, private and foreign-owned enterprises ranked the top three in number. The actual length of service mostly exceeded 5 years.

    Conclusion The chronic occupational diseases 2004-2010 are mostly pneumoconiosis, chronic occupational poisoning and occupational otolaryngological and stomatological diseases among those who work in state-owned, private and foreign-owned enterprises of ship building, machinery and foundry enterprises. Enhancing supervision, training and instruction in the key units and positions among those exposed to dusts, organic solvents and noise for occupational disease control and prevention are needed to protect worker's health, profit and rigths.


