
Research on the Effects of the Health Promotion of Workers Exposed to Lead in Microelectronics Industry

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解某快擦写存储器制造企业中铅作业人员的职业健康和安全管理状况,探讨铅污染企业有效预防铅中毒的措施。

    方法 收集企业实施的职业卫生教育、采取的职业病防护技术措施及该企业焊锡车间历年铅烟浓度检测的资料等。对该企业2000~2008年间焊锡车间122名铅作业人员所作岗前及在岗期间职业健康检查的结果进行分析,评价其健康状况的变化,评估企业实施健康促进措施对保护铅作业人员健康、预防铅中毒的效果。

    结果 该企业通过实施多种职业病防护管理及技术措施,焊锡车间铅烟的时间加权平均浓度(TWA)均<0.001 mg/m3。铅作业人员上岗前血铅及血锌原卟啉值处于正常值范围内;工龄0.5~5.5年铅作业人员的血铅及血锌原卟啉值高于上岗前者(P < 0.05),但尚处于正常值范围内;铅作业人员均无明显症状和体征。

    结论 主动开展健康促进,建立职业健康和安全管理体系,从培训及宣教,原材料和工艺方法、设备的优选和改进,环境防护设施和个人防护措施及职业健康监测监督等方面采取综合性干预措施,可以有效降低对人体的铅污染,从而对相关企业的铅中毒预防工作具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。即使在低浓度情况下,对铅作业员工进行职业健康监护也是非常必要的。


    Objective To analyze the occupational health and safety management conditions of the workers exposed to le ad in a flash memory manufacturer, to study and evaluate the effective ways and measures to prevent lead poisoning in the lead contamination manufacturers.

    Methods We investigated the manufacturer's educational program for the occupational health, and the technical measures for occupational disease prevention taken by the manufacturer, and collected the annual test data of le ad smoke concentration in the soldering workshop. 122 workers exposed to lead in the soldering workshop underwent pre-job and on post occupational health examination from 2000 through 2008. Then we evaluated the health status of those exposed to lead, assessed the effect of health protection and lead poisoning prevention by measures of health promotion.

    Results As a result of the management of occupational disease prevention and the implementation of a variety of occupational disease prevention measures by the manufacturer, the time-weighted average concentration (TWA) of the lead smoke in the soldering workshop was no longer greater than 0.001 mg/m3. The blood lead and blood zinc protoporphyrin values of those who underwent pre-job examination were in the normal range. The blood lead and blood zinc protoporphyrin values of the workers who had worked for 0.5 year to 5.5 years in the workshop showed a statistically different from their pre-job examination values. However, the workers still had no obvious symptoms and signs, and those values were within the normal range and with no clinical significance.

    Conclusion Carrying out health promotion initiatively, establishing occupational health and safety management system, and taking measures such as staff training & education, raw materials & process methods optimization and improvement of facilities, environmental protection & personal protection, and monitoring, supervision etc., can effectively reduce lead hazard to workers. Therefore it is of important reference and guiding significance to the lead poisoning prevention efforts by the related enterprises. At the same time, even in low concentration cases, it is very imperative to keep surveillance on the occupational health of the workers exposed to lead.


