
A Review of Studies on Reproductive and Developmental Toxicities of Bisphenol A

  • 摘要: 双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)是一种常见的化工原料,主要用于合成环氧树脂和酚醛树脂,其制品被广泛应用。BPA是一种公认的动物内分泌干扰物,具有雌激素活性及抗雄激素活性,会干扰机体正常的内分泌功能,对生殖系统及子代生长发育造成影响。近年来的研究特别关注低剂量双酚A<50 mg/(kg& #183;d)暴露是否会影响生殖系统的生长发育及其功能、大脑发育及行为。美国与欧盟制定的50 μg/(kg& #183;d)的参考剂量受到质疑。本文主要集中综述双酚A的整体动物研究及人群调查现状,进而认识双酚A暴露可能引起的不良结局。


    Abstract: Bisphenol A(BPA) is an well-known environmental endocrine disrupter, with both estrogenic activity and antiandrogenic activity, which is harmful to parents' reproductive system and subsequently to offspring's growth and development. Whether low-dose BPA exposure (below 50 mg/kg/day) can cause adverse effects on reproductive system, brain, and behavior is widely studied in recent years. The reference dose (50 μg/kg/day) established by the United States and the European Union arouses considerable debate. This paper reviewed in vivo experiments and epidemiological studies on BPA to understand the possible adverse health outcomes of BPA exposure.


