
Evaluation on the Quality of Water Supplied by Small Central Rural Facilities with Solitary-factor and Comprehensive Index Method

  • 摘要:
    目的 采用单因子评价法及综合指数法评价济宁市农村小型集中式供水水质状况。

    方法 抽取济宁市6 个市(县)区,每个市(县)区按20 : 1 抽取,共109 个农村小型集中式给水点,其中93 个为深井,16 个为浅井。分别于枯水期(2008 年4~5 月)、丰水期(2008 年7~8 月)各采样一次(出厂水、末梢水各一份)进行水质检测,检测结果分别采用单因子评价法、综合指数法(改进的尼梅罗指数法)进行综合评价。

    结果 单因子评价:6 个市(县)区水质超标的指标主要为总硬度、硫酸盐、硝酸盐、菌落总数、总大肠菌群;综合指数法:除嘉祥县水质综合评价指数为0.50(属于Ⅱ类水)外,其余5 个市(县)区水质综合评价指数均低于0.45(属于Ⅰ类水)。

    结论 单因子评价法结合改进的尼梅罗指数法能够较客观地反映济宁市农村小型集中式供水水质的卫生状况。


    Objective To evaluate the quality of water supplied by small central rural water facility in Jining prefecture with solitary-factor and comprehensive index.

    Methods A total of 109 small central rural water supply facilities in 6 counties were selected;and with water samples in rate of 20 : 1 from each county, including 93 deep and 16 shallow wells were taken. The samples were collected from both in factory and at peripheral end in dry(April-May 2008)and wet season(July-August 2008). The water quality was evaluated with both solitary-factor and comprehensive index methods(modified Nemerow index).

    Results The indicators exceeded national standard were noticed in total hardness, sulfate, nitrate, or numbers of bacteria and total coliforms in solitary-factor evaluation. Jiaxiang was the only 0.50(classⅡ)and the others counties were all below 0.45(classⅠ)in the evaluation with comprehensive indexes.

    Conclusion The modified Nemerow index combined with solitary-factor evaluation methods could objectively reflect the quality of water supplied by small central rural facilities in Jining prefecture.


