
Advances of Transgenic Mouse Models in Carcinogenicity Testing

  • 摘要: 许多化学物质具有致癌作用。啮齿类动物的长期致癌实验研究,广泛应用于评价化学物质潜在的致癌作用。然而,由于这类研究具有使用动物数量多、周期长等缺点,因此应用转基因小鼠模型进行化学物质致癌性研究越来越受到重视和认可。本文对现阶段常见的转基因小鼠模型及其在致癌实验中的应用予以综述,并认为应用转基因小鼠模型替代常规小鼠的长期致癌实验具有一定的优越性。


    Abstract: Long-term rodent carcinogenicity bioassay is widely used to evaluate carcinogenic potential of chemicals.However,relative large sample size and long test period,etc are issues hindering its application.Transgenic mouse models are applied and recognized in carcinogenicity testing.The current paper summarized common transgenic mouse models in modern carcinogenicity test assays.The advantages of transgenic mouse models may have a promising future in chemical carcinogenicity evaluation.


