
A Study on Effects of Living Environment on Migrant Construction Workers' Cognition to AIDS in Former Nanhui District of Shanghai

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解上海郊区建筑业农民工生活环境与艾滋病知信行的关系及其影响因素,为制定针对该人群的艾滋病防制措施提供依据。

    方法 随机选择上海6个工地的657名建筑业农民工进行面对面问卷调查。

    结果 婚姻状况、收入、工种等生活环境因素对建筑业农民工的非婚性行为的影响较大(P<0.01);艾滋病相关知识知晓率的影响因素有月收入水平、年内有否探亲、居住类型(集体和非集体工房)、有无上海居住证和不同工种;建筑业农民工婚姻状况对其性行为的态度、对艾滋病患者态度影响较大;认同建筑业工人的工作是一个重要的职业仅有69人(占10.5%),认为在上海外来建筑业农民工是受歧视的高达42.92%,只有22.97%认同大多数外来建筑业农民工都愿意留在上海。被调查者中有97.1%的人从未做过HIV检测,而当感染疑似性病时去性病专科门诊就医者仅占到11.4%。

    结论 建筑业农民工生活环境堪忧,经济收入和文化水平普遍较低,流动性大,艾滋病防治知识知晓率低,安全套正确使用率低,迫切需要加强对该人群生活环境的关注和针对性的艾滋病预防宣传教育工作。


    Objective To understand the effects of living environment on migrant construction workers' cognition to AIDS and related reasons so as to provide evidence for formulating measures to prevent AIDS in target population.

    Methods A face to face questionnaire survey was conducted among 657 construction workers who were selected from 6 sites in Shanghai.

    Results Living environment factors like marital status, income and jobs showed significant impacts on construction workers' sexual activities out of wedlock (P<0.01). The factors influencing the awareness rate of AIDS knowledge included monthly income, visit to relatives during the year or not, types of housing (collective dormitory or not), having residence permit in Shanghai or not, job title, etc (P<0.01). Marital status was found of significant effects on their attitude towards sexual behavior and AIDS patients (P<0.01). Only 69 (10.5%) participants agreed that "construction is an important profession", and as high as 42.92% agreed that "immigrant construction workers are under discrimination". Only 22.97% of the participants looked for residence in Shanghai. In addition, 97.1% of the respondents had never accepted a HIV test, and only 11.4% would seek STD specialized out-patient service if STD suspected.

    Conclusion The living environment of construction workers is concerned due to their low income and education level, as well as the nature of migrating around. Low rates of AIDS cognition and correct use of condoms require more attention to their living condition and education on AIDS prevention.


