Objective To investigate sexually transmitted infections (STIs) status and the level of knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) among female entertainment workers (FEWs), with a view to improving STIs intervention for this population.
Methods A face-to-face questionnaire survey was conducted among 125 FEWs who were randomly selected from 25 entertainment places in Songjiang area.
Results Among the 125 FEWs studied, 32 had at least one infection, accounting for 25.6%. The rate of STIs in the group of 24 years old and below was significantly higher than that in the group of above 24 years old (35.0% vs 16.9%; P < 0.05). The STI rate of whose first sex age younger than 20 years old was significantly higher than that of aged 20 and elder(32.4% vs 16.7%; P < 0.05). Only 43.2% of FEWs used condoms every time over the past month.
Conclusion We should strengthen the health education and behavioral intervention among FEWs, especially the ones who had sexual debut younger. Strong promotion of condom use should be conducted among this special population group.